Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bad places

Got back from Glasgow last night, missing Hannah, and in a bid to bring some normality to the situation got some resin. I asked Ambrosia, its previous owner, what he was up to. “I’ve got well into reading the bible at the moment- It’s much deeper than most people think!”. And so, over Yorkshire soapbar, he explained what he has gleaned from two bibles (one Catholic, one not), an astrology book and a Tarot book. Trouble was, although he went great lengths to explain the methods, we ’have to find out the answers for ourselves’ which would have been ok, had the methods seemed at least verging on flawless. When people go existential on me I want something concise and based. Especially when the subject is delivered as THE answer. In Ambrosia’s own words, “So many people believe in the bible, but the book is so unbelievable!”

Whilst I wondered whether I was being cynical and judgemental- ‘Perhaps this discussion is just the same as all the other BIG QUESTION chats, just packaged into a form that the orator really connects with, or happens to connect with him, and is giving him the revelations (without any real answers) that many have found through other means’- lee was looking worried. It reminded him of a bad trip that he was at pains to explain to me but couldn’t quite get there. Scales- of time, space, individual vs. universal- that were warped and very much to do with the self and relationships with it. He tells me it bugs him all the time. Can you be mad if you question your madness? Infact probably I think. WHAT DO YOU THINK (there is a comments button you can click)


I want to make some big statements here but they have already been made and I don’t think this is the right place for soapbox at the moment, just like soapbar only has its moments. And they are moments.

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