so i got off the plane in uganda to a fully yellow moon hanging in the sky like a fat opulescent apricot straining on its branch, judith and mariah took me back to their apartment just outside kampala that they had just moved into from a more crazy place, i think because they thought i would be uncomfotable there. we used their place as a base to do not very much- cook delicious food (they have a very carbohydrate orientated diet, americans would hate it even thought it is physiologically totally sensible if you live in the real non-SUV world) with things like matooke- mashed green banana-, posho- mashed plantain-, chapati, akona- ground millet, and then meat in sauce that you dipped everything in. good fish too from lake victoria, nice beer. then the twins introduced me to freddie, a radio producer for the 3rd biggest radio station in kampala, dembe FM- 'peace FM'- and i hung out at his radio station and interviewed all the big names of ugandan music, very fun and all for the good cause of my degree, some really interesting conversations, the things that are really big in popular ugandan music are ragga and reggae; hiphop is just starting to come up from the streets into the mainstream conciousness, and there is also alot of god music, and therefore interesting ethical dilemmas- should god music be played in nightclubs, which are still full of christians but christians mostly engaged in some sin or another...
then two amazing things happened. first, we went to these islands on lake victoria, me, judith, mariah, and this other guy also called ben (he is ben1, i am ben7) who i am shared an apartment with last year in london and who is also into his refugee support systems, anyhow this island was quite like paradise, purple cranes, yellow birds with huge huge feathery tails that flew by the dozen from the bushes across the beach we were on as soon as the sun turned from yellow to red, waders nibbling snails, jays diving for sardines, achingly beautiful sunsets, fire on the beach every night with various holidaying gringos, i felt a bit like a sage here and there, one night there was a big party of newcastle students our age, first big trip abroad, the fire (that normally would have silenced everyone and made me paranoid) and 'impressive' (to those who either need to feel impressed or contemptuous when meeting new people) experiences meant we could talk quietly enough that the secrets could be heard behind our words and we could slip into the night with our ideas intact, next day monkeys, a tiny village/town thing int he middle of an island with sprinting children, the next night judith gave me a masterclass in cooking on an open fire- she made it in such a way brances could be fed in to regulate exactly the temprature of the fire. i got sent to find salt in the nearest village, had almost the entire village lauging their heads off as i tried to explain salt through various hand jesters, and then they laughed even harder when they finally realised what i was after.
i also stopped smoking weed whilst i was out there, after 3 days i had a sweaty and very depressed night where everything came crashing down, then the next night, or maybe the night after that, i had a night of not euphoria but a sudden grip on my brain where all the experiences of my year in america and now uganda a bit were brought into perfect focus and i realise that i have grown up loads and changed a bit too, and that really the world is my oyster and i actually understood it as opposed to just deducing it, and i can be whoever i want to be and dictate my own social and cultural agenda, and through that make political change, and not fall for any of this paranoia nonsense and dance and i realised that really my mum, my grandma and getting j and m to canada are really the only truly important things in my life and thats fine and cool and as it should be and i got a bit worried that all my friends, alot of whom are now in long term relationships (when my band reformed when i got back all 6 other members were in or close to the big L, with cheesy gawps to prove it), would be too in love to have those 12midnight to 3.15am chats that are the things of life blood, but actually since i got back that has been the case except for sam and lizzie, who are similarly skeptical about the comfort and mindless joy of love so we have been doing those platonic all nighters that i still feel are where i am at, but anyway i digress, got over the weed, felt great, then boom i am back in scarborough and caning it in.
other amazing thing after the islands, i had heard rumours of mbira music in the east of the country, and my contact had another contact, so we had a long hot bus journey north east, where the civil war raged for 20 years until recently, got invited to a wedding, and then the next day made our way to an old wisened mans village to hear his music. wow. a 10 piece mbira/marimba/drum/vocal explosion oh my gosh something amazing, i will send you it when i have it rendered, music so full of energy, the village came out to greet and spend time with us, we drank homemade hot millet beer out of a common put through huge cane straws, shared instruments, laughed alot, there if you aren't married by 18 you are a bit wierd, if your not a parent by the time your 20 there is definitely something wrong iwth you (cos you die when you are 40), a philosophy as relevent as our 'family planning', there they lobby for existence, if there is not enough food to feed everyone people stop having so many kids according to the advice of the village elders, or people die, and that is accepted, and those who survive the day thank god and sleep easy knowing that tommorow they can have another day.
then i interviewed the singer through a translator, very candid, then they played more and for the last song i jammed the fuck out with them! yes! one of the best days of mine and the other bens life i tell you. all in the beating sun, kids eating mangoes like apples, hands on hearts, kick your shoes off and dance. after i have had 150 eyes on me, wondering if one of the two white men in the whole 50 mile radius can dance or not as i dance, i can go to any bullshit club or gig here and be the only person dancing! and thats what ive been doing a bit.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
The Haircut I Never Had
“There was only one road back to L.A. US Interstate 15, just a flat-outhigh speed burn through Baker and Barstow and Berdoo, then on to theHollywood Freeway straight into frantic oblivion: safety, obscurity, justanother freak in the Freak Kingdom” .- Fear and Loathing
Hiya everyone :)
22.18gmt, my uncle dave’s house, south London, my flight leaves in 8 hoursso going to make this as short and sweet as a miles davis solo when he wasin a bad mood. The last couple of days have been a jet lagged daze ofchasing after bits of paper around the capital- letter of endorsement fromSOAS for my research (failed on that one), lawyer documents for the twins, yellow fever certificates, you name it, I had to sweat to get it. But everything is pretty much lined up now; I even have a bumbag. I realise I missed England now I am back- the non-fancy number plates, the sophisticated advertising, steak bakes, interesting architecture, thinroads, mmmm its good to be home, even though I CAN’T SMOKE IN PUBS! Can there not be a smoking room in a pub that staff don’t have to go in, or could be paid a little more to work in? I would work in one. Perhaps the future is squat gigs and illegal bars.
The highlight of the 2.5 days Ihave been here though was seeing Samuthka, the sharpest former-marxist inthe northern hemisphere, we last saw each other almost 2 years to the dayin Pune, India, at a pretty bullshit ‘young people change the world’conference, we stayed up all night being righteous and the last thing shesaid to me was something like ‘when you get to my age you will have givenup your ideals and anger too’ and I was like ‘no fucking way!’, and Ithink we were kind of both right, I think I am less about fighting now andmore about building out of the (ever growing) cracks in the system thesedays, cos the bubble that capitalism works within now cannot survive theharsh wind of DWINDLING NATURAL RESOURCES and when the average man whocares about his family can no longer be persuaded that capitalism islooking out for him, then he will need an alternative, and there needs tobe a good one in place, or at least a good way by which each individualcan realise his own alternative and the necessity for direct human solidarity, and that is where our energies can be best used I believe.Capitalism will destroy itself, we just need to have some sort of glue toput the pieces back together in a less headfuck way. But I digress, shecooked me a fat south Indian meal with her grandma’s special spice mix andthen there was no need to argue anymore. But yeah isn’t it cool when youthink your never going to see someone ever again and then you do? Bonanza.
So remember the last blog? I was just about to go to Vegas. Well I did andit was actually really amazing! As rich said, it’s a Disneyland for therich adult, the best food, the best ways to spend money and make money,(allegedly) the hottest and most dirty women, the best drinks, a hot tubin my room, the best entertainment, we went to see ‘Zumanity’, a kind oferotic cabaret with, amongst other things, two girls in a giant fishbowlbeing nymph like, crazy acrobatic silk things and the spectacle of tworandom members of the audience on stage being tested to see how liberatedthey were, very very funny. And wow the most juicy steak I have ever hadin my life, bloody hell that thing was amazing, I still dream of it. Ilost all my gambling money, even though I was doing quite well for awhile, but hey, what do you expect. Vegas is really mental though, eachcasino has a theme, one, themed on Venice has a canal system in it,another a roller coaster in it, another a lake with a pirate ship… smooth
Then boom back to San Fransisco, an Mbira lesson and words of advice aboutUganda in Berkeley, then Santa Cruz, I was itching to get on the road andit rained and I had no money, pretty tedious couple of days punctuatedonly by a final naked swim in the sea with the Duffman, but then thumb outsouth with Nick and by evening we are in Big Sur, ‘the greatest meetingof land and sea’, just in time for an outdoor Open Mic at the Henry Millerlibrary (H Miller was another writer of the beat generation who wasostracised even amongst his own peers for being too sexual) with the bigsur locals, a lovely night full of fairy lights and faeries (and faerywannabies), I played Mbira and it went well even though I was drunk;forgetting the words isn’t so bad when they are in a language that you are99% sure no one in the audience speaks, ended up camping in the forestwith a guy who had open mic’d NWA’s fuck the police on acoustic guitar :).Next day me and nick went to a beaut beach and read Steinbeck’s TravelsWith Charley (Charley was his dog) aloud to each other and then hitchedback on (not in) the boot of someones car! Now that was fun.
And me andnick said goodbye and now the sign I found back in april could be usedproperly
first car that drove passed me picked me up, an Isreali couple who livedon a Kibbutz, all the way to San Simeone. I was meant to be meeting withJono that night but the sun set (there is no way you can get a ride whenit is dark) but not to worry! By the last light of the setting sun Iwalked back up the coast and found a beach that the town looked over, butwith a perfectly sized and positioned log so I could sleep right up nextto it and be invisible to the road and the town. I drank the beer nick hadsent with me and revelled in my solitude. Travelling with someone isreally nice, but there is nothing like just having noone to answer to orrely on or entertain but yourself (and the birds), just walking with thewaves eddying around your feet, doing a little dance, smoking a wholespliff to yourself, singing to the seagulls, reading your book, stashingyour stuff, climbing a rock, its like a constant silent scream of joy justexisting in situations like that. I was in a completely arbitrary place,meeting completely arbitrary people, and I could not exist to all extentsand purposes, and when you might not exist you can do ANYTHING YOU WANT.
So quite a lot of people have been asking me about the practicalities ofit, so please indulge me whilst I pretend to know all the answers, youneed:
A strong bag
Bread and cheese or similar basic but filling foods, I like bread andcheese because I love cheese and a loaf of bread and a block of cheeselasts a day and a bit for me, which is perfect.
Something to readA
sleeping bag
And that’s it really. Honest. Perhaps I knife if you are in hostileterritory (or pepper spray, but I don’t carry either). People have hadthat for hundreds, if not thousands of years, generally if you are in abeautiful place that is enough mind stimulation, and whoever picks you upgenerally talks quite a lot, and is interested and a nice person(otherwise they wouldn’t have picked you up in the first place) and incali I never waited more than about an hour for a ride, maybe 2 hours onceor twice, but generally about 20 mins, and each car on the horizon is ahope, so you don’t really get bored, and the feeling when a car pulls overis really one of the best. Thing is, like alida, if you put yourself outand are relying on the human spirit there people just go out of their wayto help you precisely BECAUSE you have put yourelf out there. Everyonewants to live in a world where there is no fear and people help eachother, but is just the fucking daily mail and rich security companies thatturns neighbours into strangers. I look in the eyes of so many people Imeet and they have the same lust for travel that I am quenching, and it isjust like JUST DO IT! You don’t need to buy your entertainment, there is awhole fucking planet of it and your very own feet can take you there!
ButI also take
Mbira, Penny whistle
Sewing kit, camera
Spare shirt, a little money
Bivvy bag, chocolate, diary, pen, tobacco
And you kind of collect things on the way. By the time I got to LA I had aCoyote bone and two eagle feathers (all from the same great guy), a thicksheepskin jacket, a flick knife and lots of bellies full of food. And lotsof music recommendations. People just like helping people, that’s allthere is to it. And those that don’t don’t pick up hitchhikers, and that’sfine with me.But I digress, next morning a cereal bar, a long wait then a short ride toa bigger village, Cambria. Get picked up from there by Joe, a Vietnamveteran with lots of stories to tell, all of them really depressing,razorblades in Vietnamese prostitute’s arses, falling down a gold minewhen he was 28, got out of hospital in a wheelchair to find his wife hadspent all his gold money and was moving away with his best friend, carcrashes on the way to funerals, ‘I sure hope there is reincarnation,because this one has sure fucked me over’, we smoked and Jono called justas I was getting out of the car, Joe was like ‘have you got everything?’and I was like ‘yeah yeah’, got off the phone and wheres my bag? Ohfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck joe had driven off with my passport, myclarinet, my visa….fuckfuckfuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uh oh, panicstations. I didn’t have his number, couldn’t remember his name, or hiscar, I just knew loads of peripheral details about him, like how he wasdoing up his uncles house, and how he was born in Idaho.
But then jonoarrived with his magician friend Eric (who had been ‘outside of thesystem’s radar’ since the Vietnam war) and they were very pragmatic andwere like ‘so what if you have lost your passport and can’t get home andcan’t go to Uganda and have no money?’ think of all the things you CAN do!And it was a sunny day and really nice to see jono and me and eric hadread the same obscure book about a tribal people called the Ik, who onlyknew hate, and that was exciting, and Jono’s mum swung into motherlyaction and sent emails round to all the people who might know Joe, who atthe time I thought might be called Jesse, and I mellowed and then Jeffturned up all the way from Santa Cruz and we bought a big bottle of whiskyand went ‘on the ranch’. Jono lives in a small Beef wild west town namedSanta Margharita with a saloon and a single jail and a rodeo and suchlike,and the whisky and jamming (we had, amongst other things, a bohran, irishframe drum) and tree climbing and last night magic meant I once againfound myself putting my finger up to the ticks, taking all my clothes off,dancing and cawing like a seagull whilst jeff and jono screamed eulogiesto the moon. It got quite tribal.BOOMBABABOOMBOOMcawwwwwwwwwwwBOOMBOOMbOOMBABA…
What do males have these days that isn’t consuming that bonds them? Prosport- consuming. Drinking- consuming, women- all consuming. I feltsoooooo good on that hot night running around in circles screaming, thecoyotes screamed back, I think I might start doing it on every full moon,though maybe it was just warm enough that night and that’s why peopledon’t do it more often.Next day all day back in the village I got picked up in, trying to find mypassport, posters up in every window, not looking good, intrigue at thepharmacy, tight lipped locals at the Mexican restaurant, then to cut along story because my little cuz wants to go to bed and so should I, joecalled my mum (I gave him my number in England incase he wanted to come toEngland when his terminally ill wife dies) and my mum called me, prettypissed off, and everything sorted itself out. And I made a good friend injoe, god/nature/the chaos theory works in mysterious ways.
Then one big fat ride in the back of a huge motor home the size of a bus(I kid you not) from san luis Obispo straight to the heart of the City ofAngels, we stopped in santa Barbara for ham sandwiches and minestronesoup, they were totally not going to give me a ride except they neededhelp fixing their motor home and I provided it, and they realised what aplucky young Englishman I was and didn’t want me getting bumraped by anyold person so ofcourse gave me a ride. I slept on their sofa and wasallowed to smoke rollies. They had one of the biggest TVs I have seenabove their drivers seats. Did you know you can stay in any walmartcarpark for free overnight if you have a huge ass camper van?LA- I had been before with my mum over Christmas and, frankly, didn’t likethe place, but this time I saw it through the eyes of the locals, firstTravis, a great kind of skater kid who lived in affluent north LA,Glendale, him and his friends showed me how they live, driving acrossfreeways to this person or that person, always trying to find somewhere toblaze where suburban curtains wouldn’t twitch.
Then 2 days later a ridedown to Carson, seen by many as ghetto LA, right down by the huge stinkingoil refineries and docks, to stay with good friend and amazingly naturallygifted drummer Moises, a second generation Mexican immigrant, but don’tlet that define him, he is one of the kindest, coolest, hippest and mostsensitive cats I have ever met, he took me to a crazy part of the LA coastwhere a road had fallen half way down a cliff and the locals had turned itinto a big graffiti space and skatepark. Amazing.Ok shit I really have to get some sleep, I have to get up again in 2.5hours and fly around another good chunk of the world. Life is amazing.Well then, Mrs mack would complain this is all description and noanalysis, but whatever, it is late, you’ll here from me again if you emailme, otherwise ill see you in a month, and this time I am HOME. But fuck,is noone coming to WOMAD? Behla? George? I can’t dance by myself you know.
Ok bye
Love ben
Hiya everyone :)
22.18gmt, my uncle dave’s house, south London, my flight leaves in 8 hoursso going to make this as short and sweet as a miles davis solo when he wasin a bad mood. The last couple of days have been a jet lagged daze ofchasing after bits of paper around the capital- letter of endorsement fromSOAS for my research (failed on that one), lawyer documents for the twins, yellow fever certificates, you name it, I had to sweat to get it. But everything is pretty much lined up now; I even have a bumbag. I realise I missed England now I am back- the non-fancy number plates, the sophisticated advertising, steak bakes, interesting architecture, thinroads, mmmm its good to be home, even though I CAN’T SMOKE IN PUBS! Can there not be a smoking room in a pub that staff don’t have to go in, or could be paid a little more to work in? I would work in one. Perhaps the future is squat gigs and illegal bars.
The highlight of the 2.5 days Ihave been here though was seeing Samuthka, the sharpest former-marxist inthe northern hemisphere, we last saw each other almost 2 years to the dayin Pune, India, at a pretty bullshit ‘young people change the world’conference, we stayed up all night being righteous and the last thing shesaid to me was something like ‘when you get to my age you will have givenup your ideals and anger too’ and I was like ‘no fucking way!’, and Ithink we were kind of both right, I think I am less about fighting now andmore about building out of the (ever growing) cracks in the system thesedays, cos the bubble that capitalism works within now cannot survive theharsh wind of DWINDLING NATURAL RESOURCES and when the average man whocares about his family can no longer be persuaded that capitalism islooking out for him, then he will need an alternative, and there needs tobe a good one in place, or at least a good way by which each individualcan realise his own alternative and the necessity for direct human solidarity, and that is where our energies can be best used I believe.Capitalism will destroy itself, we just need to have some sort of glue toput the pieces back together in a less headfuck way. But I digress, shecooked me a fat south Indian meal with her grandma’s special spice mix andthen there was no need to argue anymore. But yeah isn’t it cool when youthink your never going to see someone ever again and then you do? Bonanza.
So remember the last blog? I was just about to go to Vegas. Well I did andit was actually really amazing! As rich said, it’s a Disneyland for therich adult, the best food, the best ways to spend money and make money,(allegedly) the hottest and most dirty women, the best drinks, a hot tubin my room, the best entertainment, we went to see ‘Zumanity’, a kind oferotic cabaret with, amongst other things, two girls in a giant fishbowlbeing nymph like, crazy acrobatic silk things and the spectacle of tworandom members of the audience on stage being tested to see how liberatedthey were, very very funny. And wow the most juicy steak I have ever hadin my life, bloody hell that thing was amazing, I still dream of it. Ilost all my gambling money, even though I was doing quite well for awhile, but hey, what do you expect. Vegas is really mental though, eachcasino has a theme, one, themed on Venice has a canal system in it,another a roller coaster in it, another a lake with a pirate ship… smooth
Then boom back to San Fransisco, an Mbira lesson and words of advice aboutUganda in Berkeley, then Santa Cruz, I was itching to get on the road andit rained and I had no money, pretty tedious couple of days punctuatedonly by a final naked swim in the sea with the Duffman, but then thumb outsouth with Nick and by evening we are in Big Sur, ‘the greatest meetingof land and sea’, just in time for an outdoor Open Mic at the Henry Millerlibrary (H Miller was another writer of the beat generation who wasostracised even amongst his own peers for being too sexual) with the bigsur locals, a lovely night full of fairy lights and faeries (and faerywannabies), I played Mbira and it went well even though I was drunk;forgetting the words isn’t so bad when they are in a language that you are99% sure no one in the audience speaks, ended up camping in the forestwith a guy who had open mic’d NWA’s fuck the police on acoustic guitar :).Next day me and nick went to a beaut beach and read Steinbeck’s TravelsWith Charley (Charley was his dog) aloud to each other and then hitchedback on (not in) the boot of someones car! Now that was fun.
And me andnick said goodbye and now the sign I found back in april could be usedproperly
first car that drove passed me picked me up, an Isreali couple who livedon a Kibbutz, all the way to San Simeone. I was meant to be meeting withJono that night but the sun set (there is no way you can get a ride whenit is dark) but not to worry! By the last light of the setting sun Iwalked back up the coast and found a beach that the town looked over, butwith a perfectly sized and positioned log so I could sleep right up nextto it and be invisible to the road and the town. I drank the beer nick hadsent with me and revelled in my solitude. Travelling with someone isreally nice, but there is nothing like just having noone to answer to orrely on or entertain but yourself (and the birds), just walking with thewaves eddying around your feet, doing a little dance, smoking a wholespliff to yourself, singing to the seagulls, reading your book, stashingyour stuff, climbing a rock, its like a constant silent scream of joy justexisting in situations like that. I was in a completely arbitrary place,meeting completely arbitrary people, and I could not exist to all extentsand purposes, and when you might not exist you can do ANYTHING YOU WANT.
So quite a lot of people have been asking me about the practicalities ofit, so please indulge me whilst I pretend to know all the answers, youneed:
A strong bag
Bread and cheese or similar basic but filling foods, I like bread andcheese because I love cheese and a loaf of bread and a block of cheeselasts a day and a bit for me, which is perfect.
Something to readA
sleeping bag
And that’s it really. Honest. Perhaps I knife if you are in hostileterritory (or pepper spray, but I don’t carry either). People have hadthat for hundreds, if not thousands of years, generally if you are in abeautiful place that is enough mind stimulation, and whoever picks you upgenerally talks quite a lot, and is interested and a nice person(otherwise they wouldn’t have picked you up in the first place) and incali I never waited more than about an hour for a ride, maybe 2 hours onceor twice, but generally about 20 mins, and each car on the horizon is ahope, so you don’t really get bored, and the feeling when a car pulls overis really one of the best. Thing is, like alida, if you put yourself outand are relying on the human spirit there people just go out of their wayto help you precisely BECAUSE you have put yourelf out there. Everyonewants to live in a world where there is no fear and people help eachother, but is just the fucking daily mail and rich security companies thatturns neighbours into strangers. I look in the eyes of so many people Imeet and they have the same lust for travel that I am quenching, and it isjust like JUST DO IT! You don’t need to buy your entertainment, there is awhole fucking planet of it and your very own feet can take you there!
ButI also take
Mbira, Penny whistle
Sewing kit, camera
Spare shirt, a little money
Bivvy bag, chocolate, diary, pen, tobacco
And you kind of collect things on the way. By the time I got to LA I had aCoyote bone and two eagle feathers (all from the same great guy), a thicksheepskin jacket, a flick knife and lots of bellies full of food. And lotsof music recommendations. People just like helping people, that’s allthere is to it. And those that don’t don’t pick up hitchhikers, and that’sfine with me.But I digress, next morning a cereal bar, a long wait then a short ride toa bigger village, Cambria. Get picked up from there by Joe, a Vietnamveteran with lots of stories to tell, all of them really depressing,razorblades in Vietnamese prostitute’s arses, falling down a gold minewhen he was 28, got out of hospital in a wheelchair to find his wife hadspent all his gold money and was moving away with his best friend, carcrashes on the way to funerals, ‘I sure hope there is reincarnation,because this one has sure fucked me over’, we smoked and Jono called justas I was getting out of the car, Joe was like ‘have you got everything?’and I was like ‘yeah yeah’, got off the phone and wheres my bag? Ohfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck joe had driven off with my passport, myclarinet, my visa….fuckfuckfuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uh oh, panicstations. I didn’t have his number, couldn’t remember his name, or hiscar, I just knew loads of peripheral details about him, like how he wasdoing up his uncles house, and how he was born in Idaho.
But then jonoarrived with his magician friend Eric (who had been ‘outside of thesystem’s radar’ since the Vietnam war) and they were very pragmatic andwere like ‘so what if you have lost your passport and can’t get home andcan’t go to Uganda and have no money?’ think of all the things you CAN do!And it was a sunny day and really nice to see jono and me and eric hadread the same obscure book about a tribal people called the Ik, who onlyknew hate, and that was exciting, and Jono’s mum swung into motherlyaction and sent emails round to all the people who might know Joe, who atthe time I thought might be called Jesse, and I mellowed and then Jeffturned up all the way from Santa Cruz and we bought a big bottle of whiskyand went ‘on the ranch’. Jono lives in a small Beef wild west town namedSanta Margharita with a saloon and a single jail and a rodeo and suchlike,and the whisky and jamming (we had, amongst other things, a bohran, irishframe drum) and tree climbing and last night magic meant I once againfound myself putting my finger up to the ticks, taking all my clothes off,dancing and cawing like a seagull whilst jeff and jono screamed eulogiesto the moon. It got quite tribal.BOOMBABABOOMBOOMcawwwwwwwwwwwBOOMBOOMbOOMBABA…
What do males have these days that isn’t consuming that bonds them? Prosport- consuming. Drinking- consuming, women- all consuming. I feltsoooooo good on that hot night running around in circles screaming, thecoyotes screamed back, I think I might start doing it on every full moon,though maybe it was just warm enough that night and that’s why peopledon’t do it more often.Next day all day back in the village I got picked up in, trying to find mypassport, posters up in every window, not looking good, intrigue at thepharmacy, tight lipped locals at the Mexican restaurant, then to cut along story because my little cuz wants to go to bed and so should I, joecalled my mum (I gave him my number in England incase he wanted to come toEngland when his terminally ill wife dies) and my mum called me, prettypissed off, and everything sorted itself out. And I made a good friend injoe, god/nature/the chaos theory works in mysterious ways.
Then one big fat ride in the back of a huge motor home the size of a bus(I kid you not) from san luis Obispo straight to the heart of the City ofAngels, we stopped in santa Barbara for ham sandwiches and minestronesoup, they were totally not going to give me a ride except they neededhelp fixing their motor home and I provided it, and they realised what aplucky young Englishman I was and didn’t want me getting bumraped by anyold person so ofcourse gave me a ride. I slept on their sofa and wasallowed to smoke rollies. They had one of the biggest TVs I have seenabove their drivers seats. Did you know you can stay in any walmartcarpark for free overnight if you have a huge ass camper van?LA- I had been before with my mum over Christmas and, frankly, didn’t likethe place, but this time I saw it through the eyes of the locals, firstTravis, a great kind of skater kid who lived in affluent north LA,Glendale, him and his friends showed me how they live, driving acrossfreeways to this person or that person, always trying to find somewhere toblaze where suburban curtains wouldn’t twitch.
Then 2 days later a ridedown to Carson, seen by many as ghetto LA, right down by the huge stinkingoil refineries and docks, to stay with good friend and amazingly naturallygifted drummer Moises, a second generation Mexican immigrant, but don’tlet that define him, he is one of the kindest, coolest, hippest and mostsensitive cats I have ever met, he took me to a crazy part of the LA coastwhere a road had fallen half way down a cliff and the locals had turned itinto a big graffiti space and skatepark. Amazing.Ok shit I really have to get some sleep, I have to get up again in 2.5hours and fly around another good chunk of the world. Life is amazing.Well then, Mrs mack would complain this is all description and noanalysis, but whatever, it is late, you’ll here from me again if you emailme, otherwise ill see you in a month, and this time I am HOME. But fuck,is noone coming to WOMAD? Behla? George? I can’t dance by myself you know.
Ok bye
Love ben
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
the importance of being ernesto
hiya :)
thursday night, back in san Francisco with rich and ernie, tired and happy. academic year 06/07 is ancient history and
it is SUMMER! fuck yeah. once again horizons broaden and everything is put into the context of potential-filled
summers days and life-affirming nights in any place your feet care to take you. tommorow it is Las Vegas, viva, talk
is of canal systems inside hotels and the infamous LAS VEGAS BUFFET. This afternoon i walked to the edge of the
bay at alameda, where you can see the skyscrapers of san Francisco in the fog, and it was like i had come full circle
from when i did the same 9 months ago when i first got here. what has changed? not really sure. I felt the same sense of mute happiness mixed with a slight twist in my stomach when everything is shifting and moving and you are by yourself and you know you can handle it but you are going to have to dig your feet into the sand and not let the waves knock you over. The birds were there again though, little waders chasing the outgoing waves to eat what they left behind.
i had my last exam yesterday, 8am, after a few quickly-passing weeks of santa cruz quirk. it was my 21st birthday a
week ago, turned ‘legal’ twice, but here you get a free drink in every bar on your birthday! and twice it was
newcastle brown ale haha, i used to get tetchy about being the centre of attention on my birthday, but this year i tried
to see it more as a chance to decide some great things to do and give people no choice but to do them with me, so off
to a theolonious monk tribute band with clarinet (it was an exploration for me of how a clarinet can hold a
performance with just bass and drumset and keep everyone interested, but this guy didn’t really manage it), then irish
style pubs, then ‘99 bottles’ which had 99 different types of beer, but no hoegaarden or krononburg, then i can’t really
remember much except some delicious lime cocktail and a moment, and then later screaming WA-AR! on the
traintracks and losing my bag (i found it), snoring,
A good birthday all in all though, and it got even better then next morning as nick and jack did a superb job helping me avoid a hangover by getting me up in time to hop the cement train to davenport (7 miles away), wow i used to dream of this
reading Harbinger round sam’s, the train, a monster with UNION-PACIFIC written on the side, slows down as it comes
into downtown santa cruz and goes round a corner, as the last few carriages come past, at say 15mph,. The three of us, squatting in the bushes near the depot with two others, sprint out of our hideout and grab the ladder things hanging down, then in a fluid movement swing up onto the back of the carriage and hide in the kind of crevice in between the cement and the wheels, heart beating fast, and sigh. when the train gets out of town and hugs the coast north, we climbed up into the top of the carriages (the train didn’t go much faster than 20mph i would say) and lay around in the sun, carriages clanging,
waving at the mexican farm workers taking breaks in the shade, looked at the birds circling around. really
special. Stillness in movement. jumped off at Panther beach, dropping our legs down the side of
the train and running along for a bit before letting go and stumbling along the sandy side, then a swim in the rough
sea, a climb up a big rock, nick accidentally pulled the leg off a crab (he could have been more careful), more birds.
Nick didn’t really know when the train came back, but when we were satisfied we walked back up to the train
tracks and walked along a bit, and what do you know the train (only 1 per day, 3 days a week) came back!, we
repeated the process but this time only managed to get on the back cars, which were empty grain carriages, so we had
to make a human pyramid to navigate them back to the comfy cement carriages. the walkways at the ends of the
roofs of the carriages kind of extend, but there is about a 2ft gap between them, and even though technically it is as
simple as jumping 2 foot over a little stream, the mental impact of the whole thing being at speed on top of a train
was something that took me a while to get over, and i didn’t dare do push ups in between carriages like the others.
but it was all brilliant! total release. that night we went back to guerrilla cinema (political films projected against a
warehouse wall on the traintracks) and saw REAL trainhopping, Technicolor glory, in all honesty it scares me a bit
too much for me to do it for fun like that (though i am sure i would get used to it), dodging train security, not
wanting to fall asleep incase i fell off, eating all my food too quickly, but (as was shown in one of the films) it is a
great way to travel around as an activist, potentially much faster than hitchiking, and a great place to meet special
people. alot of the people i have met here are thinking about doing it this summer, the last big group of young people
to do it was during the depression in the 30s where people left home looking for work, what do happy ucsc students
see in it? freedom? cycles.
bicycles- every revolution is a revolutionary act
The clarinet trio on my birthday perhaps seemed a little flat because the last band I had seen were the Esbjorn Svennson Trio, Swedish nouveau-jazz gods who really blew me away a week or so before. They have this psychic connection with each other, the drummer too cool even for the conventional riproaring solo, instead kind of bending under his kit and playing what sounded like many Tibetan singing bowls at once, the bassist as good as any I have heard, but with an ease and relaxed fluidity, sometimes also with an overdrive pedal, and then the pianist, esbjorn svennson, controlling the sound of the bassist and the drummer with a little effects box on his piano, and then playing this piano that veered from catchy but overarching pop kind of stuff, through glimpses of trad jazz and avant garde and then just POUNDPOUNDPOUND with fast shifting ostinato in the middle of the piano with his right hand and then left hand going everywhere, walls of rich sound, so anyway when I get back to London it is going to be time to really crystallise all the adjectives and ideas that have been spinning round my mind and start a new band. My ideal a few years down the line (sorry to repeat myself to those I have already told this to) would be to have a pool of say 12 or so musicians, a cellist, great jazz/funk drum bass piano, trumpet, MC, female vocals, really versatile thoughtful guitar player, etc etc and then maybe 40 or 50 songs, and they don’t all use all the musicians all the time, maybe some can just be cello and clarinet, or drum machine, sampler and Mbira, or whatever, and be able to play a completely different set 5 nights of the week. Wouldn’t that be great? And the music being the main thing, but lyrics adding an extra dimension and being penetrating in their sparseness, like
Stock exchange? Nonononono
If I had coltrane’s babies they would all be called john
Listen! Listen!
All I need is a free or very cheap practice space in London, then some imagination and early morning forest walks. On that note, if anyone is looking for a housemate or two next year let me know. I think it might be quite tough for me to readjust to urban living, the forest just sucks all my problems away into its vastness, hopefully a band will be the anti-dote to that, but I can’t be sure.
3rd best thing about santa cruz- two (sometimes three) chipmunks are on hind legs on a pallet when i wake up in the mornings looking at me, they eat peanuts out of my hand and i call them alvin, simon and theodore. their tails waggle fast whilst they eat. there are also a family of mice that come out at night and try and break into my rucksack so i can’t keep my rucksack too close or they climb on me, sometimes i give them peanuts too.
But endless goodbyes! the downside of being transient. lots of strong hugs, which of course is great, but still everything
tinged with sadness and inevitability a bit. the worst is with the people you know you could have got on with really
well if you had had more time or chance had happened differently, saying ‘yeah, wow i really enjoyed your company
from afar, ill see you on facebook’. after naive scepticism at the beginning, i say goodbye to loads of people i know
are going to have such amazing lives and create great things, max and jack being cases in point, i saw jack off on the
greyhound, he was going to ‘trail blaze’ for 10 hours a day in the hot sun, sleeping on the trail, he is this [-] close to
being able to just stand there and be like ‘yo...’ and do his half poet, half mc thing with epic lyrical twists and
captivate everyone in the room. edmund, my first flatmate, who didn’t really leave the house much, was ‘asleep’
when i left, even though i had lost my wallet and there was hubbub, and gian carlo, the guy my fees were going to
pay the wages of to look after me, who was younger than me and straightedge, hadn’t been seen all day since max
put a hash cookie with a thank you note from ‘building 11’ for him. but I gave max a fat hug and maybe he is coming
to england at the end of summer.
Also had to say goodbye to Jackie, the girl who was serving Brie at Food Not Bombs one Wednesday (a testament to the levels of high-quality surplus goods here). For the second time since I got here it was all ‘ben stop worrying about chasing after girls you have not really anything in common with, just relax and wait for girls like this!’. she plays (mostly) banjo and sings like you imagine Ma Joad must have sang when she was young, and we sat in some trees and drank homemade lemonade and she showed me some constellations and then we broke into the uni swimming pool at 3am and swam with steam rising up from the pool, the sound of the disturbed water echoing around. But as usual (the last months) I meet the best people when either I or they are about to be somewhere completely removed from where the other is, so we said bye bye. Right now she backpacking in the central valley.
the american police are a money making machine. They have QUOTAS of the amount of money have to fine people, and there are lots of different departments- the santa cruz county police, the santa cruz sheriff, the university police, the highway patrol, all justifying their existence all the time. BULLSHIT. If you get a DUI- driving under influence- not only do you have to pay THOUSANDS of dollars in fines, or go to jail, but you also have to PAY FOR YOUR OWN REHABILITATION PROGRAMS! Or go to jail. So they put the poor ones in jail and charge the rest through the nose. And if you are under 21 and have drunk so much as a SHANDY that is a DUI. And if you don’t’ have your seat belt on that is $100 on the spot fine. And if you piss on a cops face…well I dunno about that, maybe you would get your head blown off.
Even national park rangers have guns and can arrest people.
i just can’t stop listening to nick drake. i am listening to him right now. ‘the world keeps raining through my head’
My mum came for a week just before our birthdays (hers is the day before mine), we borrowed Jono’s trailer (very kind of him) and had a lovely time. Once again mum was really tired from her busy work life in the Boro but she took to the trailer park like a duck to water and was soon talking about selling our house in scarborough and buying a caravan in wales. I told her it wasn’t my ideal. That weekend we went with uncles rich and ernie to Yosemite, the crown jewel of all California’s natural wonders. The photos on face book tell the story better than I can in words, but Yosemite just has the best bits- huge waterfalls with drifting mist floating across and cooling your face, huge 2000ft rocks screaming out of the ground with tiny mountain climbers as small as pins half way up it, then huge mindblowing vistas that look like something out of lord of the rings…epic. Also some of the biggest trees in the world (in terms of volume), giant sequoias, huge things, you can cut a hole in them big enough to ride a hummer through and the tree will live on regardless.
Then that night rich and ernie took us to a native american casino (apparently gambling is too immoral for white Americans and is illegal, but if the natives want to do it, well our working class will go and spend all their money there), amazing food, strange atmosphere, lots of people losing lots of money, tower of power playing in a kind of stadium outside (my old band member trumpet player was part of the opening act for them! I said hello and he was his usual LA torrid but nice self), a stunning, I mean stunning, native american girl about my age with a sad face taking shit from fat white Americans in a 1950s style diner, serving them steaks and ice cream Sundays, $100 dolls of Pocahontas in the casino gift shop… native american lucky charms selling like hotcakes so people can WIN MORE MONEY, quite a lot of bullshit really, can’t really evoke the atmosphere properly but I guess you can imagine. Was certainly interesting though.
so the plan is to get back from vegas, spend a couple of days in santa cruz, then hitchike down to LA (about 500 miles over 7 days), stopping in Big sur for an open mic, then san luis Obispo to see Jono, jam and let him try and fulfil the idea in his head that his friends party harder than English people… I don’t’ think so, then to LA to be shown round Hollywood and long beach by a couple of hardcore punk kids named Travis and Jared and a great Mexican djembe player named Moises respectively. I lost my wallet so have exactly $123 dollars to get to LA and out with, going to be a challenge.
Ok, going to cut it, if I start talking about the what I have learned and what I have learned about america here im not going to stop, let it brew whilst I travel around over the next week.
Whos going to be in London on 28th june?
Ok speak soon, hope the sun is shining on everyone
Love Ben
thursday night, back in san Francisco with rich and ernie, tired and happy. academic year 06/07 is ancient history and
it is SUMMER! fuck yeah. once again horizons broaden and everything is put into the context of potential-filled
summers days and life-affirming nights in any place your feet care to take you. tommorow it is Las Vegas, viva, talk
is of canal systems inside hotels and the infamous LAS VEGAS BUFFET. This afternoon i walked to the edge of the
bay at alameda, where you can see the skyscrapers of san Francisco in the fog, and it was like i had come full circle
from when i did the same 9 months ago when i first got here. what has changed? not really sure. I felt the same sense of mute happiness mixed with a slight twist in my stomach when everything is shifting and moving and you are by yourself and you know you can handle it but you are going to have to dig your feet into the sand and not let the waves knock you over. The birds were there again though, little waders chasing the outgoing waves to eat what they left behind.
i had my last exam yesterday, 8am, after a few quickly-passing weeks of santa cruz quirk. it was my 21st birthday a
week ago, turned ‘legal’ twice, but here you get a free drink in every bar on your birthday! and twice it was
newcastle brown ale haha, i used to get tetchy about being the centre of attention on my birthday, but this year i tried
to see it more as a chance to decide some great things to do and give people no choice but to do them with me, so off
to a theolonious monk tribute band with clarinet (it was an exploration for me of how a clarinet can hold a
performance with just bass and drumset and keep everyone interested, but this guy didn’t really manage it), then irish
style pubs, then ‘99 bottles’ which had 99 different types of beer, but no hoegaarden or krononburg, then i can’t really
remember much except some delicious lime cocktail and a moment, and then later screaming WA-AR! on the
traintracks and losing my bag (i found it), snoring,
A good birthday all in all though, and it got even better then next morning as nick and jack did a superb job helping me avoid a hangover by getting me up in time to hop the cement train to davenport (7 miles away), wow i used to dream of this
reading Harbinger round sam’s, the train, a monster with UNION-PACIFIC written on the side, slows down as it comes
into downtown santa cruz and goes round a corner, as the last few carriages come past, at say 15mph,. The three of us, squatting in the bushes near the depot with two others, sprint out of our hideout and grab the ladder things hanging down, then in a fluid movement swing up onto the back of the carriage and hide in the kind of crevice in between the cement and the wheels, heart beating fast, and sigh. when the train gets out of town and hugs the coast north, we climbed up into the top of the carriages (the train didn’t go much faster than 20mph i would say) and lay around in the sun, carriages clanging,
waving at the mexican farm workers taking breaks in the shade, looked at the birds circling around. really
special. Stillness in movement. jumped off at Panther beach, dropping our legs down the side of
the train and running along for a bit before letting go and stumbling along the sandy side, then a swim in the rough
sea, a climb up a big rock, nick accidentally pulled the leg off a crab (he could have been more careful), more birds.
Nick didn’t really know when the train came back, but when we were satisfied we walked back up to the train
tracks and walked along a bit, and what do you know the train (only 1 per day, 3 days a week) came back!, we
repeated the process but this time only managed to get on the back cars, which were empty grain carriages, so we had
to make a human pyramid to navigate them back to the comfy cement carriages. the walkways at the ends of the
roofs of the carriages kind of extend, but there is about a 2ft gap between them, and even though technically it is as
simple as jumping 2 foot over a little stream, the mental impact of the whole thing being at speed on top of a train
was something that took me a while to get over, and i didn’t dare do push ups in between carriages like the others.
but it was all brilliant! total release. that night we went back to guerrilla cinema (political films projected against a
warehouse wall on the traintracks) and saw REAL trainhopping, Technicolor glory, in all honesty it scares me a bit
too much for me to do it for fun like that (though i am sure i would get used to it), dodging train security, not
wanting to fall asleep incase i fell off, eating all my food too quickly, but (as was shown in one of the films) it is a
great way to travel around as an activist, potentially much faster than hitchiking, and a great place to meet special
people. alot of the people i have met here are thinking about doing it this summer, the last big group of young people
to do it was during the depression in the 30s where people left home looking for work, what do happy ucsc students
see in it? freedom? cycles.
bicycles- every revolution is a revolutionary act
The clarinet trio on my birthday perhaps seemed a little flat because the last band I had seen were the Esbjorn Svennson Trio, Swedish nouveau-jazz gods who really blew me away a week or so before. They have this psychic connection with each other, the drummer too cool even for the conventional riproaring solo, instead kind of bending under his kit and playing what sounded like many Tibetan singing bowls at once, the bassist as good as any I have heard, but with an ease and relaxed fluidity, sometimes also with an overdrive pedal, and then the pianist, esbjorn svennson, controlling the sound of the bassist and the drummer with a little effects box on his piano, and then playing this piano that veered from catchy but overarching pop kind of stuff, through glimpses of trad jazz and avant garde and then just POUNDPOUNDPOUND with fast shifting ostinato in the middle of the piano with his right hand and then left hand going everywhere, walls of rich sound, so anyway when I get back to London it is going to be time to really crystallise all the adjectives and ideas that have been spinning round my mind and start a new band. My ideal a few years down the line (sorry to repeat myself to those I have already told this to) would be to have a pool of say 12 or so musicians, a cellist, great jazz/funk drum bass piano, trumpet, MC, female vocals, really versatile thoughtful guitar player, etc etc and then maybe 40 or 50 songs, and they don’t all use all the musicians all the time, maybe some can just be cello and clarinet, or drum machine, sampler and Mbira, or whatever, and be able to play a completely different set 5 nights of the week. Wouldn’t that be great? And the music being the main thing, but lyrics adding an extra dimension and being penetrating in their sparseness, like
Stock exchange? Nonononono
If I had coltrane’s babies they would all be called john
Listen! Listen!
All I need is a free or very cheap practice space in London, then some imagination and early morning forest walks. On that note, if anyone is looking for a housemate or two next year let me know. I think it might be quite tough for me to readjust to urban living, the forest just sucks all my problems away into its vastness, hopefully a band will be the anti-dote to that, but I can’t be sure.
3rd best thing about santa cruz- two (sometimes three) chipmunks are on hind legs on a pallet when i wake up in the mornings looking at me, they eat peanuts out of my hand and i call them alvin, simon and theodore. their tails waggle fast whilst they eat. there are also a family of mice that come out at night and try and break into my rucksack so i can’t keep my rucksack too close or they climb on me, sometimes i give them peanuts too.
But endless goodbyes! the downside of being transient. lots of strong hugs, which of course is great, but still everything
tinged with sadness and inevitability a bit. the worst is with the people you know you could have got on with really
well if you had had more time or chance had happened differently, saying ‘yeah, wow i really enjoyed your company
from afar, ill see you on facebook’. after naive scepticism at the beginning, i say goodbye to loads of people i know
are going to have such amazing lives and create great things, max and jack being cases in point, i saw jack off on the
greyhound, he was going to ‘trail blaze’ for 10 hours a day in the hot sun, sleeping on the trail, he is this [-] close to
being able to just stand there and be like ‘yo...’ and do his half poet, half mc thing with epic lyrical twists and
captivate everyone in the room. edmund, my first flatmate, who didn’t really leave the house much, was ‘asleep’
when i left, even though i had lost my wallet and there was hubbub, and gian carlo, the guy my fees were going to
pay the wages of to look after me, who was younger than me and straightedge, hadn’t been seen all day since max
put a hash cookie with a thank you note from ‘building 11’ for him. but I gave max a fat hug and maybe he is coming
to england at the end of summer.
Also had to say goodbye to Jackie, the girl who was serving Brie at Food Not Bombs one Wednesday (a testament to the levels of high-quality surplus goods here). For the second time since I got here it was all ‘ben stop worrying about chasing after girls you have not really anything in common with, just relax and wait for girls like this!’. she plays (mostly) banjo and sings like you imagine Ma Joad must have sang when she was young, and we sat in some trees and drank homemade lemonade and she showed me some constellations and then we broke into the uni swimming pool at 3am and swam with steam rising up from the pool, the sound of the disturbed water echoing around. But as usual (the last months) I meet the best people when either I or they are about to be somewhere completely removed from where the other is, so we said bye bye. Right now she backpacking in the central valley.
the american police are a money making machine. They have QUOTAS of the amount of money have to fine people, and there are lots of different departments- the santa cruz county police, the santa cruz sheriff, the university police, the highway patrol, all justifying their existence all the time. BULLSHIT. If you get a DUI- driving under influence- not only do you have to pay THOUSANDS of dollars in fines, or go to jail, but you also have to PAY FOR YOUR OWN REHABILITATION PROGRAMS! Or go to jail. So they put the poor ones in jail and charge the rest through the nose. And if you are under 21 and have drunk so much as a SHANDY that is a DUI. And if you don’t’ have your seat belt on that is $100 on the spot fine. And if you piss on a cops face…well I dunno about that, maybe you would get your head blown off.
Even national park rangers have guns and can arrest people.
i just can’t stop listening to nick drake. i am listening to him right now. ‘the world keeps raining through my head’
My mum came for a week just before our birthdays (hers is the day before mine), we borrowed Jono’s trailer (very kind of him) and had a lovely time. Once again mum was really tired from her busy work life in the Boro but she took to the trailer park like a duck to water and was soon talking about selling our house in scarborough and buying a caravan in wales. I told her it wasn’t my ideal. That weekend we went with uncles rich and ernie to Yosemite, the crown jewel of all California’s natural wonders. The photos on face book tell the story better than I can in words, but Yosemite just has the best bits- huge waterfalls with drifting mist floating across and cooling your face, huge 2000ft rocks screaming out of the ground with tiny mountain climbers as small as pins half way up it, then huge mindblowing vistas that look like something out of lord of the rings…epic. Also some of the biggest trees in the world (in terms of volume), giant sequoias, huge things, you can cut a hole in them big enough to ride a hummer through and the tree will live on regardless.
Then that night rich and ernie took us to a native american casino (apparently gambling is too immoral for white Americans and is illegal, but if the natives want to do it, well our working class will go and spend all their money there), amazing food, strange atmosphere, lots of people losing lots of money, tower of power playing in a kind of stadium outside (my old band member trumpet player was part of the opening act for them! I said hello and he was his usual LA torrid but nice self), a stunning, I mean stunning, native american girl about my age with a sad face taking shit from fat white Americans in a 1950s style diner, serving them steaks and ice cream Sundays, $100 dolls of Pocahontas in the casino gift shop… native american lucky charms selling like hotcakes so people can WIN MORE MONEY, quite a lot of bullshit really, can’t really evoke the atmosphere properly but I guess you can imagine. Was certainly interesting though.
so the plan is to get back from vegas, spend a couple of days in santa cruz, then hitchike down to LA (about 500 miles over 7 days), stopping in Big sur for an open mic, then san luis Obispo to see Jono, jam and let him try and fulfil the idea in his head that his friends party harder than English people… I don’t’ think so, then to LA to be shown round Hollywood and long beach by a couple of hardcore punk kids named Travis and Jared and a great Mexican djembe player named Moises respectively. I lost my wallet so have exactly $123 dollars to get to LA and out with, going to be a challenge.
Ok, going to cut it, if I start talking about the what I have learned and what I have learned about america here im not going to stop, let it brew whilst I travel around over the next week.
Whos going to be in London on 28th june?
Ok speak soon, hope the sun is shining on everyone
Love Ben
Saturday, May 26, 2007
hiya :)
just got back from busking for 1 hour 20 minutes on my Mbira during which time i made exactly $1, not very cool. i was on the famous broadwalk, loads of tourists strolling around, lots of people were into it but noone wanted to give me any money, even with my 'iPOD of the masses' sign and then, on the reverse side 'help me get to Uganda so i can learn from a master'. i guess i need a)a new sales pitch or b)another instrumentalist, of which there are loads around but they are all either lazy or unreliable, or both.
But whatever, i like playing and need to be in good condition for when i go to uganda in june wooooooooo i booked my plane tickets last week, cost almost exactly the amount as the 3 months rent i have saved, so its like im going for free, if you look at it one way. i lost my false teeth in a choppy sea last weekend (quite comical at the time, and i am kind of getting used to not having front teeth, they really aren't that important except for bubblegum and clarinet and eating melon) and have been spending the time i would have been practicing in the library delving for the first time really into what ethnomusicology actually IS, its history, methods of fieldwork, heros, villains etc etc. it seems the debate at the moment (and in anthropology aswell i guess) is to what extent a researcher in the field can be an objective observer, and whether this is even as worthwhile as the researcher trying to immerse themselves and be a participant in the culture they are studying. it all comes out of the shitty colonial past and its legacy, and how researchers are often percieved to have similar facets as old colonialists, or tourists, and how the idea of a westerner being able to come in and then purport to define and understand another culture is pretty arrogant, and how to get round these things. it seems i could even do a fieldwork project on the process of doing fieldwork if i wanted to. but that is a bit esoterical for me, i think i am either going to investigate how and to what extent lamellaphone (Mbira) traditions are being passed on through the generations in rural uganda, or how urban hip hop artists are responding to their culture and what it is about hiphop that has made it even reach to the far corners of the world. but great stuff, i feel like i am finally applying my learning to something really useful and exciting.
so when people ask me here what i have been up to, i tell them about that but then i tell them that generally life is amazing because i am sucking the sugary juice out of every moment and that really does have alot to do with living in the forest, though it unpredictable ways. in the last month i have spent maybe 4 nights under a roof (when it rains) even though i could stay in numerous places any night; it is starting to be a bit unnatural and stuffy in houses, i feel like i am slowly being de-conditioned back to a more kind of bestial (in the nicest sense of the word) state (it could also be that it is often pretty hot here at night). i just cannot emphasise enough how much more easy and joyful it is on the mind to open your eyes in the morning to light sprinkling through leaves and birdsong so close. most of the time i sleep in a hammock, hard to get out of, so my bed is in my rucksack and all i need to make it complete are two trees. punch the sky.
and i have been going on little trips to try and see california as much as possible before i go. my jazz teacher uses the word 'trip' to mean general journey, within a song or within a human's growth, something necessary i guess, and i wondered on friday 6pm, as i stood at the north edge of santa cruz on highway 1 with my thumb out, what exactly people are looking for when they go on a trip. the night before i finally had a defining 'acceptance' moment when i felt like i was in the fabric of the people i was around when, at a keg party (a party with a barrel of beer) for ryan's goodbye and hello to a fishing trawler in seattle, i was having a little dance in a trailer and everyone was like 'KEG STAND BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' and i smiled and felt my legs lifted above my head as i held onto the keg and beer was pumped directly into my mouth and everyone was like '1234....' and i managed to hold on with open throat for 34 seconds, very respectable i was told, keeping the british end up, and noone noticed when i stumbled off into the forest a little while later to throw up spagetti and beer.
but anyway, i digress, the week before me and nick hitched up to a deserted beach about 20 miles away just to watch the sunset over the water and for kicks (epic pics on facebook), on the way back the crazy old hippie driver was telling us about arcata, 200 miles north, which he said had 1000 year old redwood trees and the nicest people in the world, so we decided to go there this weekend, but then nick was busy but i was in the travelling frame of mind so i decided to go by myself. that weekend there were 2 great jams happening and a BBQ at my old house, but i shunned them all for a trip into the unknown by myself. why? i like these people, i don't have much time left with them, why go? what are we travelling for? what was i looking for? solitude? the unexpected? i couldn't work it out, and felt a bit bad, but then i got a ride and then another, who told me that there was no way i was going to get to arcata and back in 5 days, so i let him drop me off at half moon bay, a little town between santa cruz and san fran, where i slept in a huge tree by the beach and reassessed. i decided to make my way up the 1 (the highway that winds slowly up the coast and is the stuff of chilli peppers songs and dreams i think) and see how far i got, instead of taking the faster but less beautiful 101.
up early the next morning, squashed banana and peanuts, got a ride quickly to the bottom of san fran and then a train to the dead centre of the city, a lady named suzanne saw my Mbira and we chatted, turned out she was going north too and would i like a ride? yes please, so the potentially very time consuming job of navigating san fransisco (and getting to a place where i could get a ride out) was sidestepped, and we chatted about uganda and her trips to bosnia as a NGO bod and positive language, they dropped me off at a little beach town named stinson where there was a kind of fete thing going on, hot dog, bluegrass, pretty girls in citrus dresses, onwards! got a few little rides, one with a french stone oven maker, another with 3 gentlemen in a mercedes who tried to catch me out on my knowledge of cellists (not that i claimed to know any), then a magic ride with a kayaking instructor and drummer, he was only going a little way up the 1 but by now i had decided to head towards some hot springs about 50 miles inland, and he was going that way. we stopped by his house in santa rosa for a jam, and the jam was so good i decided to accept his offer of a diversion from the hot springs (which i would have been lucky to reach before nightfall) to his friend the carpenters house. he told me it would be a 'trip' so we went.
jason the carpenter and drummer/bassist was quiet, greying hair in a ponytail, his friends were a (by now familiar) assortment of the good, the bad and the slightly crazy, we drank stout and jammed hard, they had an old moog synth that i got acquainted with, 3 jams lasted about 45 mins each, no stopping, not much eye contact but riproarslideaway stuff, he had these cow bells that were tuned pretty close to my mbira so it got pretty intricate at times, lush, then pasta, garlic and butter and hammocking it up. woke up the next morning and oh my goodness, just near where i am sleeping there is a full on lake!!!!!!!!!!! with canoe, surf board (i worked out to put on the canoe to form a bed) dragonflies, the works, and no humans! so i spent most of the morning lying around on the canoe reading carlos castanada and silently canoeing or swimming to the reeds where the dragonflies were (blue, red, gold) till they all saw me and flew up all at once in a chute of colour.
but then it started getting really hot and i was in the middle of nowhere with many directions home and pretty scummy water in my water bottle so i walked the 2 miles or so back to the 101 and sat down in the hot sun and waited for a ride. it was mothering sunday and i wanted to get to a phone so i could call mum before she went to bed but there was nothing happening and every time a car came by and i stood up i got dizzy and sort of fell back down again, a mite scary, but then a huge white chevy truck pulled up containing a heavily tattooed gent and his chatty girlfriend, i passed around a spliff but he said he couldn't smoke because 'i am in rehab....and a quaker'. at first he was a bit condescending towards me, calling me 'rainbow boy' i guess cos i looked and smelt like a hippie, but i am quite adept these days at figuring people out, and second guessing what they are thinking of me and then becoming, for a short time at least, what they want me to be (i could talk for ages about social dynamics of hitchiking, they are fascinating and very conducive to great conversations and working out the psyche of a group of people, if you ever want to hear 10 life stories in a day, go hitching) so i told them how happy i was that this was the first truck i had been picked up in (true) and that the slipknot loud on the cd player was pumping (also true), and headbanged along in the back, and we all opened up like flowers to each other, he had just got back from quaker chuch where he had spoken to the congregation about his feelings towards his mothers death in a car crash 2 years before. the loud music, fast driving and kind of subdued fraglity of his manner made sense and i told him some stories of england and he smiled.
then they wanted me to try some of their organic high-high weed, so once again i found myself back in santa rosa in a motel eating fast food and smoking a huge blunt. the guy was like 'because i can't smoke, every second toke you take you have to hold in for 30 seconds'. i did and then i could barely walk, they were new lovers to each other and were eager for me to go so they could romp, so we got back int he 2007 chevy and suddenly we were stopped at a gas station and they were pointing towards the freeway. i could hardly think, so i grabbed as much of my stuff as i could and said a cheery goodbye.. as i stepped onto the tarmac a police cruiser slowly cruised passed me, my heart skipped a beat (hitchhiking is illegal, i have never got any bother but my state of appearance with shocking red eye meant there was potential for problems). i realised they had dropped me in about the worst place ever to try and get a ride back onto the freeway (i was about 70 miles from san fran), there were roadworks where i would normally have hitched from, cars whizzing by in every direction, pollution and no shade. so i sat down and tried to gather my thoughts and hitched.
but no rides for ages and i was getting a bit weary, then out of nowhere this little old bum appears, much like the one at the beginning of kerouac's dharma bums which i was and am reading, who told me it would be better to hitch round the corner. i told him i would never get picked up there because that area was full of roadworks. he told me to trust him and walked off. so i walked around the corner, and lo and behold there is a big cardboard sign in the dirt saying
with a littel smiley face, and i was like NICE ONE! and picked it up and IMMEDIATELY this little white VW polo pulls up, and we are in the middle of a busy lane of traffic so i hold all my stuff to my chest and jump in, turn to the driver and it is this girl, and we look at each other for about 3 seconds, stopped with shit loads of traffic piling up behind us and had this crazy connection, can't put it into words, maybe you know what i mean, it has never happened to me like that before, and we said hello, and then she drove, and we didn't look at each other again for a minute, was funny but in a very warm way, and she was only going 5 miles down the road and we started chatting, and after preliminaries i was like 'what are you all about' and she was like straight away 'happiness' like she had anticipated the question, and i was like 'thats funny, me too!' and then we chatted some more, and she had been grocery shopping and was only going 5 miles down the road, and i said that was a shame that she wasn't driving further cos i was enjoying her company, and she was like 'im going to drive further' and in the end she drove me all the way to san fransisco!!! like an hour away or something. and we had such similar life stories, similar parents, similar problems, similar ways of dealing with said problems, i think that was the main thing, like the sea of life had both rounded us in the same way and it was like there was nothing to say and it was just nice to share space with her, and i was obviously still very stoned from the blunt and was struggling to express myself well, but i managed a stirring few words on my views on activism and how that fits into every day life, justification of existence and happiness, and she said i was inspiring, but then she told me about her life, and she is a rock for the people around her whilst she tries to keep her own head above water and i told her that i wasn't the inspiring one, she was, i was just floating around california like a child in a womb, no worries, she was one of the people that are the dam that stops the tide of human suffering overwhelming everything and it was a shame she was driving because i wanted to hug her tight. then we got over the golden gate bridge and we stopped and got out and i played mbira to her with every fibre i could muster and then we said bye.
and then i sat for a while on fisherman's wharf and let that wave pass over me and then i had a huge pang to go and see rich and ernie, i wasn't sure whether they were back from their cruise but i decided to chance it, walked a long way but got there, and they were in (first they thought i was a cold caller and didn't answer the door) and whoop home for a moment, artichokes and happy conversation, ernie thought the photo of him with simon made him look old, it didn't, then an exceeding comfortable and warm night. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i fell asleep thinking i had answered my questions about trips and goals. i dreamed about love.
and i only lost my mobile, my california lonely planet and max's stove, a good weekends work.
' why do you call a car park a car park when a park is somewhere there are trees?'
'do you call trees trees in england?'
alice recorded me playing Mbira and then overdubbed some lovely guitar and vocals on top. you can here it on her myspace page, its called bukatiende
fuck i now have a continuous line of hair between my collar bone and my pubes, i think i am getting close to being a man, scary stuff, im going to be 21 in less than a month (gutted that i have missed an entire year of 21st birthday parties) and i still consider myself only containing a little recepticle of knowlege, last night max and all that crew had some hardcore mudwrestling and although i could see the greatness of it in theory, i just didn't really feel like doing it, i went and played and talked quietly about music with a guy from my latin american class, then went to see jono who has been on a hunger strike for the last 8 days (admirable) and then bed before midnight. i don't want to grow up but it kind of seems inevitable. maybe i just need some botox. but then i look around me and so many older people are so immature, maybe age has two meanings
oh wow check out this article
china, capitalism, corpse, comedy
so i have about 3 weeks left, agenda items
record definitive music with max and others
write short notes to people telling them they are excellent and thank you and that they should stop worrying
mum coming in a couple of weeks, we are borrowing jonos trailer, i am actually really looking forward to it (another sign of growing up)
write some sort of eulogy to america, i have lots to say but hard to crystalise it
spend at least 2/3 days on a drunken rampage with jono et al and rip some stuff up
oh no im suddenly spent, once again i read my words back and they seem very self indulgent, so forgive me, but who gives a fuck you can see me soon and berate me face to face :)
love ben
just got back from busking for 1 hour 20 minutes on my Mbira during which time i made exactly $1, not very cool. i was on the famous broadwalk, loads of tourists strolling around, lots of people were into it but noone wanted to give me any money, even with my 'iPOD of the masses' sign and then, on the reverse side 'help me get to Uganda so i can learn from a master'. i guess i need a)a new sales pitch or b)another instrumentalist, of which there are loads around but they are all either lazy or unreliable, or both.
But whatever, i like playing and need to be in good condition for when i go to uganda in june wooooooooo i booked my plane tickets last week, cost almost exactly the amount as the 3 months rent i have saved, so its like im going for free, if you look at it one way. i lost my false teeth in a choppy sea last weekend (quite comical at the time, and i am kind of getting used to not having front teeth, they really aren't that important except for bubblegum and clarinet and eating melon) and have been spending the time i would have been practicing in the library delving for the first time really into what ethnomusicology actually IS, its history, methods of fieldwork, heros, villains etc etc. it seems the debate at the moment (and in anthropology aswell i guess) is to what extent a researcher in the field can be an objective observer, and whether this is even as worthwhile as the researcher trying to immerse themselves and be a participant in the culture they are studying. it all comes out of the shitty colonial past and its legacy, and how researchers are often percieved to have similar facets as old colonialists, or tourists, and how the idea of a westerner being able to come in and then purport to define and understand another culture is pretty arrogant, and how to get round these things. it seems i could even do a fieldwork project on the process of doing fieldwork if i wanted to. but that is a bit esoterical for me, i think i am either going to investigate how and to what extent lamellaphone (Mbira) traditions are being passed on through the generations in rural uganda, or how urban hip hop artists are responding to their culture and what it is about hiphop that has made it even reach to the far corners of the world. but great stuff, i feel like i am finally applying my learning to something really useful and exciting.
so when people ask me here what i have been up to, i tell them about that but then i tell them that generally life is amazing because i am sucking the sugary juice out of every moment and that really does have alot to do with living in the forest, though it unpredictable ways. in the last month i have spent maybe 4 nights under a roof (when it rains) even though i could stay in numerous places any night; it is starting to be a bit unnatural and stuffy in houses, i feel like i am slowly being de-conditioned back to a more kind of bestial (in the nicest sense of the word) state (it could also be that it is often pretty hot here at night). i just cannot emphasise enough how much more easy and joyful it is on the mind to open your eyes in the morning to light sprinkling through leaves and birdsong so close. most of the time i sleep in a hammock, hard to get out of, so my bed is in my rucksack and all i need to make it complete are two trees. punch the sky.
and i have been going on little trips to try and see california as much as possible before i go. my jazz teacher uses the word 'trip' to mean general journey, within a song or within a human's growth, something necessary i guess, and i wondered on friday 6pm, as i stood at the north edge of santa cruz on highway 1 with my thumb out, what exactly people are looking for when they go on a trip. the night before i finally had a defining 'acceptance' moment when i felt like i was in the fabric of the people i was around when, at a keg party (a party with a barrel of beer) for ryan's goodbye and hello to a fishing trawler in seattle, i was having a little dance in a trailer and everyone was like 'KEG STAND BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' and i smiled and felt my legs lifted above my head as i held onto the keg and beer was pumped directly into my mouth and everyone was like '1234....' and i managed to hold on with open throat for 34 seconds, very respectable i was told, keeping the british end up, and noone noticed when i stumbled off into the forest a little while later to throw up spagetti and beer.
but anyway, i digress, the week before me and nick hitched up to a deserted beach about 20 miles away just to watch the sunset over the water and for kicks (epic pics on facebook), on the way back the crazy old hippie driver was telling us about arcata, 200 miles north, which he said had 1000 year old redwood trees and the nicest people in the world, so we decided to go there this weekend, but then nick was busy but i was in the travelling frame of mind so i decided to go by myself. that weekend there were 2 great jams happening and a BBQ at my old house, but i shunned them all for a trip into the unknown by myself. why? i like these people, i don't have much time left with them, why go? what are we travelling for? what was i looking for? solitude? the unexpected? i couldn't work it out, and felt a bit bad, but then i got a ride and then another, who told me that there was no way i was going to get to arcata and back in 5 days, so i let him drop me off at half moon bay, a little town between santa cruz and san fran, where i slept in a huge tree by the beach and reassessed. i decided to make my way up the 1 (the highway that winds slowly up the coast and is the stuff of chilli peppers songs and dreams i think) and see how far i got, instead of taking the faster but less beautiful 101.
up early the next morning, squashed banana and peanuts, got a ride quickly to the bottom of san fran and then a train to the dead centre of the city, a lady named suzanne saw my Mbira and we chatted, turned out she was going north too and would i like a ride? yes please, so the potentially very time consuming job of navigating san fransisco (and getting to a place where i could get a ride out) was sidestepped, and we chatted about uganda and her trips to bosnia as a NGO bod and positive language, they dropped me off at a little beach town named stinson where there was a kind of fete thing going on, hot dog, bluegrass, pretty girls in citrus dresses, onwards! got a few little rides, one with a french stone oven maker, another with 3 gentlemen in a mercedes who tried to catch me out on my knowledge of cellists (not that i claimed to know any), then a magic ride with a kayaking instructor and drummer, he was only going a little way up the 1 but by now i had decided to head towards some hot springs about 50 miles inland, and he was going that way. we stopped by his house in santa rosa for a jam, and the jam was so good i decided to accept his offer of a diversion from the hot springs (which i would have been lucky to reach before nightfall) to his friend the carpenters house. he told me it would be a 'trip' so we went.
jason the carpenter and drummer/bassist was quiet, greying hair in a ponytail, his friends were a (by now familiar) assortment of the good, the bad and the slightly crazy, we drank stout and jammed hard, they had an old moog synth that i got acquainted with, 3 jams lasted about 45 mins each, no stopping, not much eye contact but riproarslideaway stuff, he had these cow bells that were tuned pretty close to my mbira so it got pretty intricate at times, lush, then pasta, garlic and butter and hammocking it up. woke up the next morning and oh my goodness, just near where i am sleeping there is a full on lake!!!!!!!!!!! with canoe, surf board (i worked out to put on the canoe to form a bed) dragonflies, the works, and no humans! so i spent most of the morning lying around on the canoe reading carlos castanada and silently canoeing or swimming to the reeds where the dragonflies were (blue, red, gold) till they all saw me and flew up all at once in a chute of colour.
but then it started getting really hot and i was in the middle of nowhere with many directions home and pretty scummy water in my water bottle so i walked the 2 miles or so back to the 101 and sat down in the hot sun and waited for a ride. it was mothering sunday and i wanted to get to a phone so i could call mum before she went to bed but there was nothing happening and every time a car came by and i stood up i got dizzy and sort of fell back down again, a mite scary, but then a huge white chevy truck pulled up containing a heavily tattooed gent and his chatty girlfriend, i passed around a spliff but he said he couldn't smoke because 'i am in rehab....and a quaker'. at first he was a bit condescending towards me, calling me 'rainbow boy' i guess cos i looked and smelt like a hippie, but i am quite adept these days at figuring people out, and second guessing what they are thinking of me and then becoming, for a short time at least, what they want me to be (i could talk for ages about social dynamics of hitchiking, they are fascinating and very conducive to great conversations and working out the psyche of a group of people, if you ever want to hear 10 life stories in a day, go hitching) so i told them how happy i was that this was the first truck i had been picked up in (true) and that the slipknot loud on the cd player was pumping (also true), and headbanged along in the back, and we all opened up like flowers to each other, he had just got back from quaker chuch where he had spoken to the congregation about his feelings towards his mothers death in a car crash 2 years before. the loud music, fast driving and kind of subdued fraglity of his manner made sense and i told him some stories of england and he smiled.
then they wanted me to try some of their organic high-high weed, so once again i found myself back in santa rosa in a motel eating fast food and smoking a huge blunt. the guy was like 'because i can't smoke, every second toke you take you have to hold in for 30 seconds'. i did and then i could barely walk, they were new lovers to each other and were eager for me to go so they could romp, so we got back int he 2007 chevy and suddenly we were stopped at a gas station and they were pointing towards the freeway. i could hardly think, so i grabbed as much of my stuff as i could and said a cheery goodbye.. as i stepped onto the tarmac a police cruiser slowly cruised passed me, my heart skipped a beat (hitchhiking is illegal, i have never got any bother but my state of appearance with shocking red eye meant there was potential for problems). i realised they had dropped me in about the worst place ever to try and get a ride back onto the freeway (i was about 70 miles from san fran), there were roadworks where i would normally have hitched from, cars whizzing by in every direction, pollution and no shade. so i sat down and tried to gather my thoughts and hitched.
but no rides for ages and i was getting a bit weary, then out of nowhere this little old bum appears, much like the one at the beginning of kerouac's dharma bums which i was and am reading, who told me it would be better to hitch round the corner. i told him i would never get picked up there because that area was full of roadworks. he told me to trust him and walked off. so i walked around the corner, and lo and behold there is a big cardboard sign in the dirt saying
with a littel smiley face, and i was like NICE ONE! and picked it up and IMMEDIATELY this little white VW polo pulls up, and we are in the middle of a busy lane of traffic so i hold all my stuff to my chest and jump in, turn to the driver and it is this girl, and we look at each other for about 3 seconds, stopped with shit loads of traffic piling up behind us and had this crazy connection, can't put it into words, maybe you know what i mean, it has never happened to me like that before, and we said hello, and then she drove, and we didn't look at each other again for a minute, was funny but in a very warm way, and she was only going 5 miles down the road and we started chatting, and after preliminaries i was like 'what are you all about' and she was like straight away 'happiness' like she had anticipated the question, and i was like 'thats funny, me too!' and then we chatted some more, and she had been grocery shopping and was only going 5 miles down the road, and i said that was a shame that she wasn't driving further cos i was enjoying her company, and she was like 'im going to drive further' and in the end she drove me all the way to san fransisco!!! like an hour away or something. and we had such similar life stories, similar parents, similar problems, similar ways of dealing with said problems, i think that was the main thing, like the sea of life had both rounded us in the same way and it was like there was nothing to say and it was just nice to share space with her, and i was obviously still very stoned from the blunt and was struggling to express myself well, but i managed a stirring few words on my views on activism and how that fits into every day life, justification of existence and happiness, and she said i was inspiring, but then she told me about her life, and she is a rock for the people around her whilst she tries to keep her own head above water and i told her that i wasn't the inspiring one, she was, i was just floating around california like a child in a womb, no worries, she was one of the people that are the dam that stops the tide of human suffering overwhelming everything and it was a shame she was driving because i wanted to hug her tight. then we got over the golden gate bridge and we stopped and got out and i played mbira to her with every fibre i could muster and then we said bye.
and then i sat for a while on fisherman's wharf and let that wave pass over me and then i had a huge pang to go and see rich and ernie, i wasn't sure whether they were back from their cruise but i decided to chance it, walked a long way but got there, and they were in (first they thought i was a cold caller and didn't answer the door) and whoop home for a moment, artichokes and happy conversation, ernie thought the photo of him with simon made him look old, it didn't, then an exceeding comfortable and warm night. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i fell asleep thinking i had answered my questions about trips and goals. i dreamed about love.
and i only lost my mobile, my california lonely planet and max's stove, a good weekends work.
' why do you call a car park a car park when a park is somewhere there are trees?'
'do you call trees trees in england?'
alice recorded me playing Mbira and then overdubbed some lovely guitar and vocals on top. you can here it on her myspace page, its called bukatiende
fuck i now have a continuous line of hair between my collar bone and my pubes, i think i am getting close to being a man, scary stuff, im going to be 21 in less than a month (gutted that i have missed an entire year of 21st birthday parties) and i still consider myself only containing a little recepticle of knowlege, last night max and all that crew had some hardcore mudwrestling and although i could see the greatness of it in theory, i just didn't really feel like doing it, i went and played and talked quietly about music with a guy from my latin american class, then went to see jono who has been on a hunger strike for the last 8 days (admirable) and then bed before midnight. i don't want to grow up but it kind of seems inevitable. maybe i just need some botox. but then i look around me and so many older people are so immature, maybe age has two meanings
oh wow check out this article
china, capitalism, corpse, comedy
so i have about 3 weeks left, agenda items
record definitive music with max and others
write short notes to people telling them they are excellent and thank you and that they should stop worrying
mum coming in a couple of weeks, we are borrowing jonos trailer, i am actually really looking forward to it (another sign of growing up)
write some sort of eulogy to america, i have lots to say but hard to crystalise it
spend at least 2/3 days on a drunken rampage with jono et al and rip some stuff up
oh no im suddenly spent, once again i read my words back and they seem very self indulgent, so forgive me, but who gives a fuck you can see me soon and berate me face to face :)
love ben
Saturday, April 14, 2007
hiya :)
happy easter, hope it bounced like a bunny. i woke up on campus on easter
sunday before most other people and was on my way to sit by my garden and
take in the morning sun when i saw all these little plastic eggs poking
out from around and about, filled not with chocolate but with bubble gum
and condoms! way to go progressive 'campus living' staff. reality came
back though when i got to my garden- it is totally thriving, except for
the broccoli- about a month ago the first heads of broccoli came through
but i didn't know you are meant to pick them right away so i left them to
get bigger and they lost their fruit and flowered! oh well.
so yeah, apologies for not being in touch for ages, no excuses really
except that all my internet time has been spent devising worthy comebacks
for lizzie's acid facebook tongue, having a nice full day to day existence
and evenings rarely spent alone. it is hard to really pull out the most
bits of the last couple of months, but i have been dreaming about home
alot so i think i just need to splurge.
so this week is the second week of the spring term, my classes are
jazz improvisation
latin american music
javanese gamelan
literature of the sea (!)
demilitarization of uni of california
pretty fucking chilled out if you ask me. i am back on clarinet for jazz,
it was frustrating to the point of angry tears to begin with cos every
time i try to tongue a note my false 3 teeth move about 2 milimetres, giving
a sort of unwanted glissando effect, but now i can kind of control it. i
am getting back to the level i was at before my teeth caved in, but this
term we are expected to PLAY THE CHANGES hard and fast, and before writing
this i have spent 2 hours trying to master just 6 bars of music. and i
haven't. lit of the sea is as cool as it sounds, got my leather elbow head
back on and think fondly of mrs mack, i have realised just how much the
sea is part of my history and my soul, right back to begging to be allowed
off school so i could go and look at the caught lobsters in the harbour,
seeing gavbob for (hopefully not) the last time byt he holbeck hall and
selling watermelons on the beach with sam "WATERMELONS, FRESH JUST SMELL
before we started up again though it really felt like a time of flux-
after i finished my exams me and jono, this really class guy who always
when i ask on the phone 'hows it going' replys 'its going', dropped some
acid onto some sugar cubes and went to the beach; my gosh it was
something. (can i put the disclaimer in here that i don't in any way
encourage anyone to do acid and would discourage it unless they really
really want to and are by nature happy people who can handle themselves
and crazy things). i can't even begin to put it in words, but ill try
i lost my teeth in the sand and it was nice and sunny and then just as i
started laughing and couldn't stop
this girl ann, or sparrow to her friends, she is in my gamelan class and in
one of jonos
classes and is a bit in the ether like alida but at the same time nothing
her, but very very nice, she turned up, and jono had mentioned she might
ring but then she was just walking past on the beach, and she was quite
shocked because she expected people on acid to be uncontrollable and
crazy and stuff, but then she found my teeth in the sand wooooooooo but
the sun was hot and i lay back and the birds had vapour trails and
everything was SO BEAUTIFUL and shimmery and a huge waves of love kept
passing over me and then we went way out on the pier and looked at the sea
lions and fuck the sun was setting and the birds were flying around and i
was feeling a bit giddy and grasped onto the railing and watched the sun
set and it was so beautiful, the clouds were like the most delicate silk
fabric made up of a million colours as the sun set, rippling and
shimmering like they were on a holistic washing line, and as the sun set
and changed from yellow, through every colour, to deep blue, the clouds
seemed be be being sucked with the sun around the earth and i think i said
that everythings value should be measured in terms of this sunset,
i wondered if i would see the sunrise
and then a tiny problem when we saw tessa and patrick from protests and i
didn't have any teeth in and gave them huge hugs and smiles and didn't have
anyidea what to say, but then we went to the end of the pier and jono asked
me about scarborough, and sparrow talked about the sperm
whale mating noises you can hear when you swim underwater where she lives
in northern california. and then to be a bit briefer, we went home for a
resupply, then back to a different beach and i lay back and
BLISSED OUT, it has never happened to me before and i couldn't imagine it
until it did happen, it was like every sense i had was roaring
like my ears had these tones in them, could have been the seagulls
singing, could have been the waves roaring, probably was actually now i
think about it, or the frogs or grasshoppers, and then my body was lying
face up with every bit possible of me in the sand, kind of with a small
rise in the middle so i was giving it a backwards star hug kind of, and i
could feel my atoms merging with the sand and back and forth, and the sea
in my nose, and if my eyes were open i could see stars throbbing and
dancing and if they were closed i saw crazy patterns and correlations
but i wasn't thinking of any of these things, i was just THINKING
but LOUD like it was a revelationa and tribal scream and groan.
and then back up to campus, jono had looked a bit sketchy when we had gone
back into the town before but now he was ok, we went into the forest,
jono gave a monologue, then we found a great tree and we told each other
stories, me
for the first time since i have got here and maybe ever to such length,
told them about the travelling things and described the details of the
golden temple and mcloed ganj to people who really wanted to hear about
it! and talked about the nature of story telling in general and how
powerful it can be and how it is a dying art, and then we went back to
mine and listened the first sigur ros album and ate soup and rice and
smoked weed and then i was saying how the album was like our acid trip,
and we were at the beginning of song 5, after lots of epicness and it is
sort of a slow swelling broodyness but beautiful and thats where we were
at, and then it goes crazy again shortly after and jono produced some
mushroom chocolate and then sparrow had to go catch a flight to seattle,
but she dropped us off at the pier, and we watched the sunrise as i
peaked on mushrooms and
.............................................................. me and jono
sat in the early morning completely alone under sleeping bags in silence
on a bench as the colour in the sky changed again from deep blue, mist,
clouds parting, rays from behind the hills, clouds vibrating and melting
and moving and changing colour and fuck every animal getting ready for the
new day, the seagulls waiting all along the rail to jump in first light
and get the fish, the sealions sleeping in a LATTICE WORK, about 15- 2Oof
them just under the surface of the water swimming in perfect formation
into each other , tessalating, and floating, asleep!, and a couple of them
barking, and mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a different bliss, and then when the sun
was up before it had come through there were clouds and mist, and it might
have rained, so we headed for the bus stop, but we got distracted by a
piece of modern art with rock in the shape of orange peel that you could
LIE IN and it was EXTREME COMFORT and if you lay in it one way you faced
the sun, which was just starting to burn through the mist, so we sat
there, maybe 45 mins, and the sun eventually burst through and it was
another sunnyt day in santa cruz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i walked home and felt
happy and full of joy
and i still feel that at a much more subdued level to this moment.
yeah, so basically it was really immense and once again, but even stronger
than before, i am going to try and give as much love out to the world as
possible, i had many a revelation, temporary maybe, sometimes it felt like
me and jono were
reading each others minds, we would just continue conversations we were
having seconds, minutes, hours before with oblique references and know
what each other meant. as i say hard to put into words (and now i do
theysound obvious but i was more like i felt them in my being rather than
thought of them logically) but
know your place. the american indians see it as key and i agree, knowing
your place in the world in terms of how you are just atoms and emotions
and just to BE and feel and notice and how we can't do it all, but we can
do it all by doing what we are doing, and homeand family and that most
beautiful and unique but fragile and difficult bond with those you love
the MOST MOST like your mum, but how that is all ok anyway and just to use
every second to try and work hard on it and on yourself
religion/spirituality- it doesn't matter WHO SAYS IT , but WHAT IS SAID,
if the most religious people from each religion actually TALKED TO EACH
about a)what their great leaders said and b)how to apply it to today,and
thought of it like that, rather than CATHOLIC or MUSLIM,or MYSTICIST,
then where would the worries be????????????????????????
how powerful i am if i just tap into my BESTIAL ROAR
how, if i concentrate, i can step back from all the realities i exist in
and see them all in a circle infront of me and just be at one with them
all and myself at the same time
that it is all crossroads, NOW IS MY TIME (our time), when i go back to
england i
could do A MILLION things,
and maybe my focus on my music is blinding my to music
but the blissing out was the best.
is this all hippie bullshit? actually very possibly, the more i understand
where this whole eternal love thing is coming from
the more likely it is that it is all a delusion anyway and i should instead
be spending my time fighting for social justice and not
blissing out till the world can bliss out. the biggest thing i have been
grappling with recently is the kind of obvious fact that
working towards personal liberation and working towards social liberation do
not go hand in hand, may even pull in opposite ways.
and then the next morning it was time to eat a big omelette and clean the
hot tub anticipation of mr simon's arrival (simon is 1/7th of the flogged
pony, an old time beenthroughitalltogether friend and has a huge nose) in
the evening. wow it was like a little piece of england in my front room!
much joy ensued and that sunday we biked to san francisco- took 2 days, 80
miles or so mostly along the famous Highway 1 right by the sea, met lots
of crazy locals and had about 1000000 punctures on my back wheel, then
swapped sleeping bags and cereal bars for the comfort of rich and ernie's
glorious abode and meatloaf, ernie took us out for ONE POUND HAMBURGERS on
the morning we left, sat next to 2 cops with guns and daft talk, later in
the day we cycled
about 40 miles and still weren't hungry. oh and we went to alcatraz! to be
honest it didn't really seem that bad- no electric chair, no experiments,
nice views of the bay, musical instruments allowed at the weekend, all you
can eat food, a bit like ucsc really.
then we cycled back on the hamburger fuel, we were feeling great but the
sun was setting and there hadn't been a secluded enough beach for a while
but then SHIT! suddenly we come upon the this amazing idyllic beach,
complete with driftwood and axe for fire, deep maroon sun shimmering on
the sea and not an angry local in sight. there are some epic photos here-
and all the time we had been away an idea had been brewing to do some live
sessions now i had the magic fingers of simon on bass and with access to
max's recording equipment ending as soon as i moved into the forest, and
so when we got back i invited all the most thoughtful and talented
musicians i had met since i got here for roast veggies and mashed potatos
and someone brought a case of wine and wooooo some intense stuff, at one
point we had drum, bass, guitar, violin, me on piano/dancing and a raucous
mc, i would put the tracks up somewhere accessible but they are all 25
minutes long... really top stuff though, certainly an avenue to persue
back in blighty.
and then jeff the guitar player drove simon and me to the airport in his
open top car, only sting in the tail was a really vindictive phone message
from my flatmate rose about spilling wine on the carpet and generally
being 'disrespectful', but in the last few months i have been learning to
try and hear what people are saying behind their words and absorb all
unjust anger with eye contact and give out as much compassion and love as
i can muster back. but that, and a note saying 'you should really start
washing up now your not paying rent' made me hasten my departure and the
same day i packed up/gave away/threw away most of my possessions, put my
rucksack on my back and walked into the woods.
and a new chapter started. actually arguably it began a few months ago, and
maybe that walk was the climax. people are just the key!
if you have good people around you that you connect with, then you no longer
NEED people, if you know what i mean.
at last i have met a few people who i have really clicked with which has
been cruxial. i
was starting to wonder whether it was something changing in myself that
was making me not able to fully connect with those around me, but then
i met zoe, a girl i had met a couple of months ago and swapped books
with- i lent her beautiful mutants by deborah levy, one of my all time
favorites, and she lent me the Stranger, a classic french novel, anyway
both books delve deep and unabashedly into the human psyche and
have a certain careless take on existence, so when we met again (she is
isas friend from childhood) we could ignore all the usual preliminary
smalltalk and have one long, tangent filled conversation about everything
all at once, like dean and carlo marx when
they sit knee to knee with each other and see the universe as a
grandfather clock that they take to pieces bit by bit, study, and then
put back together again, and it carried on over the next week or two as
we went to crummy house parties and sat outside away from the debris
and talked with red wine sincerity, and we shared max's keyboard in
my house as others watched tv in front and made music that was abstract
enough to drive everyone else crazy i am sure, but honestly it was like
we were having a conversation, or at least making eye contact in
silence, and then one night a few weeks ago it was daz's last night
before he went home and we went to the beach to play drums, then after
we got told to shut up the only thing left to do was skinny dipping in
the angry sea, then later there was a storm and we went for a bike ride
at 5am, wet limp rollies in our mouths, joyful, and i hadn't even
considered any romantic possibilities until we kissed, and then didn't
stop thinking about them or her until she left three days later for the
east coast with only a note and 3 mix cds by way of goodbye. you can
hear her music at , well worth a listen,
she plays
so that was that but then i met jono and jack, a forester and poet who
helped me build my dwelling, and some other people and everything s kosher.
but anyway, living in the woods is COOL in so many is a spot about
10 minutes
into the low forest, someone has cleared a circular space about 14 feet
diameter, with a tree nearby that can be climbed to see all around. we
were originally going to build a bender, like a dome made of bent
branches, but the branches we found were a little brittle, so instead
we build a sort of lop sided teepee, elaborated with a tapering dome
stretching back into the forest between trees, enough for 2 people and
some stuff or about 6 people squashed in, to give you an idea of the
i have been achieving a long held ambition of getting up before
11am on a regular basis, this morning at 730 birdsong interrupted my dream
of a scarborogh college rugby trip and a pretty girl and by 9 i had my
clarinet going in the practice room, it is so wholesome i could be in a
hovis advert. secondly, i can entertain people without worrying or being
noiad about people being bored, because there is nothing boring about
sitting round a fire in the woods ever! and i have developed a real taste
for whisky with hot water. and waking up outdoors just puts one in such a
great frame of mind for the rest of the day, and walking the 3km or so
back home at night gives a real and actual way to escape the (i have
decided) pretty stressful and confusing monolith of an overtly capitalist,
big brothery campus.
and my head is clear for music making. on sunday i went to the beach with
max's top class condenser mic and recorded the sea and the birds for a
while, my personal project this term is going to be writing a sea song all
based on the semi-drone of the sea, using the best musical themes that
have come to me in the last few years that i never managed to turn into
full tunes.
there is, to temper the otherwise unadulterated joy of the woods, the
constant possibility of being found by police or campus staff and either
getting a huge fine (if i am there at the time) or having all my stuff
taken away and disposed of (if i am not there), or both. the latter i am
not too worried about, all the stuff i have is expendable and important
things like my passport are safe somewhere else, but apparently they tend
to search in the early mornings and the idea of being woken up by a pigman
with an angry face and a large fine leaves me cold. and i won't be awake
enough to give a plausible excuse for being there.
oh and i have pretty much decided to go to uganda in summer if i can
afford it, for the duel purpose of seeing the coolest twins in the world
and doing a bit of ethnomusicological fieldwork with rural folk musicians-
they play a type of mbira there and have the same fascinating issues of
folk music finding its place in a changing (but not changing that much)
society, also a huge hip hop and reggae scene there (i just can't take
either genre seriously in america, at least not among the rich white kids
that seem to always be listening to it round here- it is the music of
liberation and struggle, not fucking stoned beyond believing melodrama),
so lots to investigate. mariah and judith know a radio producer there i
can use as a starting point, and i am hoping to get something really
worthwhile down so i can merge easily into post-grad stuffiness later on
in my life.
i think i chatted before about Free Skool Santa Cruz,
basically a load of lessons, discussions and workshops put on by the
community for the community, from bike repair to anarchic medatation,
sowing to train hopping. last wednesday i went to an avacado core
carving workshop, loads of fun, every town should have one, and it
avoids the cliqueness that affects other similar non-heirachical groups
because there is such variety everyone can find their place, and
because it is so explicitly for everyone, everyone accepts everyone
else really readily, and the whole thing is a great way to radicalise
people- in a place where everythings value is measured in dollars this
can turn everyone on its head.
so yeah, that is just what has happened over the last 3 weeks or so,
before that there were some funny things too but they escape me now,
except for the night i met up with this guy i had randomly chatted to
before at drum circles, who told me people 'misunderstood him' as a
'sexual predator', we ended up going to play music on campus and, fuck
man, he was just far too intense with girls much younger than him, so me,
as a person who truly believes in live and let live, should i tell him to
go? should i warn anyone? should i tell him to sort himself out? after a
while i wanted to leave, and he wanted to stay, so i reminded him of a few
fundamentals and left, but i didn't really feel too good about it.
oh and shit! abby took me to Big Sur last weekend(isolated coastal/hilly
beauty) and we
stayed with some of her friends on top of a huuuge hill overlooking the sea,
in the evening i was going to go to bed but the promise of guinness on tap
took me to the village pub
where everyone knows everyone, generations mingle happily and all the
underage kids (including me)
drink in the parking lot. after a while i ventured into the actual pub and
there is this cool
dreaded and beautiful girl playing guitar with older male cellist that i
played in monteray with before christmas!
well we didn't actually play together, but we were on the same bill, and we
had complimented each other, and
he remembered me! so i played a little penny whistle with them and started
getting properly drunk and before
i know it it is 2am and we are all driving in convoy up this ridiculously
steep hill with the fog rolling in, and then
stop on top of this ridge, you can see the mist circling around for miles
around on each side int he valleys,
we played- we shared the guitar, then cello, me on mbira, the guitarist girl
playing my penny whistle, i would have a million
dripping adjectives for this scene except i was too drunk to remember much,
except that the girl gave me some raw
broccoli to eat and i forgot to take my teeth out and the broccoli got
mangled in the teeth and they just stopped working,
period, until i bent them back into place the next morning.
yesterday i found myself counting the days till i get home, scarborough, i
think i am kind of ready, i want to be somewhere on the cliffs with the
kinder, i
want to see how much alfie, lee's baby, has grown, i want to shout at le
chat for becoming a piglet, i want to get large haddock and chips with
scraps on the foreshore, i want to munch on rasberrys in sams garden...
but oh it is 830PDT, me and jono need to eat pasta in the communal kitchen
and not leave a trace of our whereabouts.
ok, email me some home
love ben
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
lost and found
2300 PST 4/2/07
i wrote a big chunk of this last week, but it got a bit out of hand and i didn't know if i was descending into banality so i am starting again. the open plan nature of the house means that i can still hear family guy from the other living room so apologies if there are too many random cut scenes below.
january has turned into february in no time at all, i only have real classes (gamelan doesn't count)on tuesday and thursday so the rest of the week always seems to merge together into a circuit well intentioned mornings and lingering nights. i guess after my accident i was a little more shaken up than i thought and, what with all the painkillers i was on, found myself unable to get excited or into anything and just hanging around indoors (it has been quite cold until recently when the sun has started being /warm) /but then being annoyed with myself for not doing more stuff. not having any top front teeth was a bit of a chore too- apart from only eating soup for about week, i had to deal with people looking at the gap in my teeth instead of in my eyes, and being like in that south park episode where there is a couple with arses for faces and they are like 'you may not have noticed, but we have arses where our face should be' and all the adults are like 'really?' haha. there are so few people with any sort of physical defect here, or at least among the people i see, if anything is slightly wrong there is someone to tell you how deformed you are and offer to fix it for you. free market and all that. having said that though people are generally really sympathetic, richie cooked me a fat meal when i got back onto solids and people have been giving me all sorts of drugs to make me feel better.
and a week or so later i got new teeth on a sort of plate/retainer type thing that i have to take out for meals and at night and which are a hassle to remember to put in. i am on my bike half way down my road and i am like 'shit i forgot to put my teeth in after lunch' and then i have the debate with myself about whether it is worth going back because after all i can't see myself and i am only doing it so other people see them, and why should it matter?' and by the time that has all gone through my head i am at the end of my street and it is too far to go back anyway. i didn't try and play my clarinet until a couple of days ago when i couldn't hold back any longer and tried; i can play, but it is uncomfortable and my mouth has no subtlety to regulate airflow and basically i sound like i did when i was 12 or something, all airy and nonsensical. its like ive been circumcised or something. and i think is going to be like this till i get new and proper teeth, which is at least until i get back to england and maybe later. my auntie tilly who lives in Delhi suggested doing the whole medical tourism thing and going to india for new teeth at like 1/10th of the price, which would actually be really cool, maybe in august. the silver lining has been the piano, which i have taken to ravenously. once i got the knack of the whole thumb over forefinger over little finger business i have been rolling, and it is sort of giving me a new insight into the fundamentals of the tonal system that only playing an instrument so logically set out can bring. Mum have a song called 'we have a map of the piano' and i sort of know what they mean now.
and then since i sort of get my head together i have been trying to say yes more and get myself out and about. trouble is, i still feel like a tourist here, sort of scratching the surface of the people here but still interacting with a certain air of novelty. for example the average conversation at a party is a little chat and then 'where are you from? australia?' 'england' 'ooooh, which part?' 'north east england, a place called scarborough' 'oooooooh my cousin/brother/friend is in london/manchester/oxford at the moment' or 'yeah i am 1/8th european' 'great' and then either they want to know whether we have Pizza in england, or want to introduce me to their friends as 'ben from britayn' or apologise cos 'when i am drunk sometimes i talk in an english accent, do you mind?'... i guess i shoulnd't be negative about it, it just gets kind of grating after a while. sometimes i tell people i am from my mothers' womb. this was happening a week last thursday when we had a little party, there was this girl there who i had met once before, very hot and rich in a barbie girl kind of way, who was making innuendos deeper than the mississippi that i didn't really understand, and she didn't really understand what i was saying, and normally i am obviously purer than drifting snow, but one thing led to several more and we wound 'making out' as they say here, and then i got invited to her 'south of the border' party (american teenagers go to mexico to get rid of their upstanding american morals for a while and go crazy, apparently it is really horrible, its like 'mexicans are bestial, we are better, but lets go to mexico and be bestial and throw money around') two days after.
so the day came and i went for a bike ride in the afternoon, one of those ones where you don't think too much where you are going and always end up somewhere exciting, and found myself at a lagoon with ducks and carp and reeds and then found some train tracks with the sun falling down the line in the distance so i walked down it in the sun balancing my bike on the rails (there are no trains on weekends) and got chatting with guys who were sitting on the rails with the american equivalent of special brew, red chief or something, and they were all well interesting, 2 iraq/afghan veterans with loads of stories to tell, one of them had joined the army to get out of prison early and he was like 'i joined cos i thought it couldn't be any worse than prison, but it was'; his friend got his shoes shined by an iraqi kid who then told his older brother who came and shot the soldier, alcohol is totally banned but there are opium dens on every corner, iraqi civilians won't speak to american soldiers for fear of death and one argument where an iraqi was like 'we want peace, you want war' and the american 'you want war, we want peace!' and we concluded that noone on the ground, 'allies' or iraqi, knows who or for what they are fighting for, that is all decided in the board room. so this guy got a heroin addiction and the army told him he wasn't any use anymore and just kicked him out, and here he was, intense but loving eyes, called Boston. its good to know that the conclusions i draw from the media are the same ones he draws from experience.
and then the younger of the three, Wyme, nose piercing, attractive half-mexican features , nice sheepskin coat and a million stories of hopping trains around the country, gave me a menthol and told me that crimethinc was for rich wankers and he refused to talk or ride with any of them, the punk and hardcore scenes around the place, the reformed ex speed addict in oakland who walks around taking 'citations' (like fines or whatever) from young punk kids and taking them to the police station and is like 'these are all my citations' and the cops just throw them all away, the roofs to sleep on in town and the mythical 'space bag'that he wouldn't explain to me. after a while of swapping stories the others went to get food and he took me to see a 'space bag'. i was all 'oh my god what am i doing hanging around in a big house getting high, talking shit and chasing girls when i could sack it all off right now and go train hopping all over the country! where have your principles gone ben?' and there is a main depot only an hour away, where kerouac is supposed to have hopped a train from in Dharma Bums, and wyme was going to florida in a week, it would take him 4 days if he got fast trains, a week if he got slow ones. faster than the greyhound!
so the spacebag turned out to be a 4 litre bottle of cheap, nasty rose wine. i was already pretty pissed and we found a couple of other people and went and sat and drank by the levee (!), leaning on a bank (the santa cruz credit union). and it is all "chugchugchugchug" and i manage not to be sick on the bus on the way home (we got off a few stops early) and then got home ready to eat and sleep but my flatmates are home with friends, and suddenly wyme is being a bit obnoxious, telling my flatmates they are arseholes and demanding alcohol and i am just too wasted to get a grip on what is happening, we cant' remember each others' names and my flatmates are not very happy at all, but i persuade them it is ok and i trust him etc etc and are we going to the party then? so with hard stares we all went, and what a non-event the party was, tall boys walking around with huge bottles of jack daniels offering to everyone except boys (wyme was all 'give him a shot, he's english' and we would share the shot), short girls squealing, the regular bass ofcommercial hiphop through unloved speakers, some hippies in the garden monging out, pringles, then wyme just about holding himself down, he eventually got in the hot tub, the girl who invited me blanked me the whole time, maybe she felt silly or was annoyed i brought wyme i dunno, but i was wankered and still taking my revolutionary high ground and couldn't take really anything seriously and jumbled around grinning at people and asking them stupid questions that i think i thought at the time were subversive.
the next day isa was hovering around so i asked her what was up and she was like 'i just want you to know that even thought everyone else in the house is pissed off with you for bringing that guy home but i understand' and that was all news to me, i wish people would tell me these things!!!isa said that sometimes if you take people from such radically different lifestyles they clash, but i explained that we had clicked and he was my friend and why on earth would they be annoyed? surely the biggest reason people don't get on is cos they don't understand where each other are coming from and the only way to solve that is to mingle? and if all these people who think they are so fucking liberal can't relate to a person that is the same age, comes from the same place, believes many of the same things and uses the same intoxicants but just lives life in a different way then what chance have we got? and wyme was the outsider and the one who had to make a good impression on my flatmats, and we all deal with that in different and sometimes stressed ways.
i spent the best part of the next day with wyme, he woke up and started drinking the beer from the night before, i didn't go with his 'stop the hangover with more beer' logic, even though i have heard it alot lately. he showed me myspace videos of him riding trains, amazing stuff, the most amazing vistas and the most scary looking lattice bottomed carriages, called 'suicide cars', then pictures of the train hopping crowd being drunk in various places, one on the day some hippies had paid for them to fight each other in beer, the experience of the photos heightened by the stale beer and sick smell emanating from wyme, i offered to wash his clothes or for him to shower and he was positively offended. but it was a bright sunny day and we walked back down into town and chatted, a teenager asked him if he could buy him alcohol so he recruited someone (wyme is only 19) and took the kid and his four new beers back to the train tracks by a big carriage containing timber and drank half of them trying to persuade the kid to drink with him till the punk gig that evening, the kid said his dad wouldn't be cool if he came home pissed, wyme told him it would matter because he would be too pissed by that time to care what his dad thought, i sat on top of the carriage face in the sun and smoked, realising that wyme just couldn't hack being alone and drinking alone, to the point where he was trying to be a 14 year old kid'sfriend even though he was being the cool guy. my excitement of the magical plaes and people to be found on trains was slowly dissipating (apparently you never ride with someone you have only just met incase they try and kill you, apparently there are some pityless people out there and who is going to find your body in the middle of nowhere when it is chucked off a train?), it felt like wyme was running from something, rather than searching for something. there is a train a day that runs through santa cruz though, and i will soon be shown the ropes.
and then the week rolled by and then was a double party for tito and emily, both my flatmates who had birthdays that week. tito's friend daz had come over from england, a great guy tito met in amsterdam from bournemouth, spoke like jason and looked a little like scouse pete, into the fibonacci sequence and lots of bongs, top guy, but oh no tito and rose were arguing and then last night they decided they were 'just roomates' and tito took daz with him out of santa cruz for an undetermined time. oh no! me and daz were going to go explore the woods. but anyway, last night went to another party full of nice people, wasn't really feeling it but it was ok, very curiously there was a HUGE tv screen showing a pirate video of real people in nasty fights, happy slapping, people having their head chopped off, but mostly big ugly brawls. and there were people just monging out watching it. i thought it was a bit strange, then forgot about it. a little later a load of sort of (hate to say it) chavs turned up, they are called 'bros' or 'locals' here, big meatheads with caps at defined angles, acting a bit dodgy and sort of welcoming each other and passing out beers asthough they knew everyone there, i left the room, then there are screams and there is a massive brawl going on in the room with the BRAWLING ON TV int he background and this poor guy at the party is getting HAMMERED and there is blood on the floor and for about 10 mintues there is pandemonium with these meatheads with their loud girlfriends ripping digital cameras out of peoples hands and kicking and kicking and kicking and then they seem to be going and someone says one little thing and suddely about 5 guys and girls are all laying into this one girl, looked just like the police on rodney king, horrific, then the police came and the bros disappeared and ambulances came adn urgh, it was horrible. worse, when the police came they immediately sealed off a house, knowing full well all the incriminating stuff inside, apparently this is the first time anyone has experiences this, i guess it just isn't expected or planned for over here. so strange though that there was fighting on tv, and everyone just accepted people getting battered on the screen as entertainment, its a perfect example of how anything can be tolerated if it is seen from far enough away. it was like deja vous or somthing when there was fighting in the room, it was almost natural.
so yeah, those two weekends have made me question alot of things, mainly 'what am i doing?'. i thought i would immerse myself in whatever niche i found myself in when i got here, but maybe i should search for something dffereng? i really don't know. this weekend i made a soup with all the veggies i had neglected during the week, i found some cactus for sale in the mexican supermercado and put that in, but the middle is sort of like a gel, and very bitter, i think maybe i should have taken it out before i cooked it, but it is paletable. aside from my lovely flatmates here, i don't feel like this house in the suburbs is where i should be, it is unbelievable the amount of energy that is used, so many lights inside and out, so many gadgets that forget to get turned off, a hot tub that constantly keeps loads of water at 100farenheit... saw a duck in our swimming pool today and ran inside to get some bread to feed it but it turned out to be plastic... the high speed toaster with special bagel button is cool though. been lookin for a solution, and my friend knows a platform in a tree in the woods behind campus that seems to be uninhabitd, so i am pretty sure i am going to move out there when it gets a little warmer, maybe beginning of april. there is a big community of tree people up there, it makes so much sense i can't believe i didn't think of it before, if i want to make the most of the california weather, why live in a garage? also with the money i will save i have ordered a flute, very excited. it has the same fingerings as a saxophone, so once i get the breathing down it should be cool.
my classes panning out pretty well this term, we are doing alot about native american folklore and spirituality in my native american music class, so interesting to see the many similarities between the beliefs of other peoples outside the western diaspora, for example ben feder had that poem on the DUA wall last year from the I Ching- first line 'those who talk do not think, those who think do not talk', native american chiefs are meant to speak very sparsely for the same reason, and loads of buddhists i have read about take vows of silence. i had to switch to piano in my jazz theory class which was a bit nerve wracking, but actually lots of it is easier on the piano because of what i was talking about above, and i seem to be enjoying the lessons more even. we had to write a conceptual/chord skeleten piece for last week, i wrote a really nice chord progression and then a section where all the students and the lecturers (we all play the whole lesson) had to stand in a circle and play (with rough tonal guidelines) the vibrations they felt from the person to their left, whilst reacting to the playhing of the person to their right and everyone else, it sort of worked, in the second part everyone seemed to sort of breathe together so going to develop that aspect of it for tuesday. gamelan is great and very relaxing, i have started sudanese now aswell as balinese, only trouble is, and i hesitate to generalise, but some people just don't know the meaning of the word subtle, there are some instruments that are shared and so if someone is mindlessly hammering his part out about1 foot away from you it can be infuriating. but then sometimes my feet smell, so i guess it is give and take.
spectacleular american food
- deep fried pitta bread
- "half and half"- half milk, half cream
- peanut butter and jam in ONE CONTAINER
- slurpees- the real squishee
- soft drinks with little spheres of marshmallows inside
facebook- as much as i feel it is yet another way for people to sit on their arses and communicate without actually communicating, it has been so nice to chit chat with people i haven't spoke to for years and see pictures of them drunk and lairy with their new friends. the point of this blog, apart from a little self indulgence, is to get around the fact i am away from everyone i love for so long and at a fairly crucial time in our lives and if america will indeed corrupt me/enlighten me before i get back, i don't want it to be too much of a shock hahaha. but hopefully someone will tell me if that seems to be happening. so anyway on balance i got a facebook and listed my favorite music but not my hobbies.
isa leant me this book, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass, pulled me right out of a rut, i would definitely recommend it, even if you don't agree with it, would be very interested to hear what you think.
so yeah, it has been quite an up and down time, i don't feel like i am fulfilling the promise to myself of making the most of every day whilst i am here, i feel like i am sort of floating along, but things seem to be brewing again and hopefully exciting times ahead. judith asked me to /Please ring 0845 300 4433 to vote for amnesty for immigrants in UK. UK government is considering granting permanent visa or indefinite leave to remain for immigrants that are already in the UK legally or illegally. This will be tabled in parliament on tues. The more votes the chances. /
so there is more i have to say but this is getting long again, so ill leave it here. see you soon, or on facebook
love ben
i wrote a big chunk of this last week, but it got a bit out of hand and i didn't know if i was descending into banality so i am starting again. the open plan nature of the house means that i can still hear family guy from the other living room so apologies if there are too many random cut scenes below.
january has turned into february in no time at all, i only have real classes (gamelan doesn't count)on tuesday and thursday so the rest of the week always seems to merge together into a circuit well intentioned mornings and lingering nights. i guess after my accident i was a little more shaken up than i thought and, what with all the painkillers i was on, found myself unable to get excited or into anything and just hanging around indoors (it has been quite cold until recently when the sun has started being /warm) /but then being annoyed with myself for not doing more stuff. not having any top front teeth was a bit of a chore too- apart from only eating soup for about week, i had to deal with people looking at the gap in my teeth instead of in my eyes, and being like in that south park episode where there is a couple with arses for faces and they are like 'you may not have noticed, but we have arses where our face should be' and all the adults are like 'really?' haha. there are so few people with any sort of physical defect here, or at least among the people i see, if anything is slightly wrong there is someone to tell you how deformed you are and offer to fix it for you. free market and all that. having said that though people are generally really sympathetic, richie cooked me a fat meal when i got back onto solids and people have been giving me all sorts of drugs to make me feel better.
and a week or so later i got new teeth on a sort of plate/retainer type thing that i have to take out for meals and at night and which are a hassle to remember to put in. i am on my bike half way down my road and i am like 'shit i forgot to put my teeth in after lunch' and then i have the debate with myself about whether it is worth going back because after all i can't see myself and i am only doing it so other people see them, and why should it matter?' and by the time that has all gone through my head i am at the end of my street and it is too far to go back anyway. i didn't try and play my clarinet until a couple of days ago when i couldn't hold back any longer and tried; i can play, but it is uncomfortable and my mouth has no subtlety to regulate airflow and basically i sound like i did when i was 12 or something, all airy and nonsensical. its like ive been circumcised or something. and i think is going to be like this till i get new and proper teeth, which is at least until i get back to england and maybe later. my auntie tilly who lives in Delhi suggested doing the whole medical tourism thing and going to india for new teeth at like 1/10th of the price, which would actually be really cool, maybe in august. the silver lining has been the piano, which i have taken to ravenously. once i got the knack of the whole thumb over forefinger over little finger business i have been rolling, and it is sort of giving me a new insight into the fundamentals of the tonal system that only playing an instrument so logically set out can bring. Mum have a song called 'we have a map of the piano' and i sort of know what they mean now.
and then since i sort of get my head together i have been trying to say yes more and get myself out and about. trouble is, i still feel like a tourist here, sort of scratching the surface of the people here but still interacting with a certain air of novelty. for example the average conversation at a party is a little chat and then 'where are you from? australia?' 'england' 'ooooh, which part?' 'north east england, a place called scarborough' 'oooooooh my cousin/brother/friend is in london/manchester/oxford at the moment' or 'yeah i am 1/8th european' 'great' and then either they want to know whether we have Pizza in england, or want to introduce me to their friends as 'ben from britayn' or apologise cos 'when i am drunk sometimes i talk in an english accent, do you mind?'... i guess i shoulnd't be negative about it, it just gets kind of grating after a while. sometimes i tell people i am from my mothers' womb. this was happening a week last thursday when we had a little party, there was this girl there who i had met once before, very hot and rich in a barbie girl kind of way, who was making innuendos deeper than the mississippi that i didn't really understand, and she didn't really understand what i was saying, and normally i am obviously purer than drifting snow, but one thing led to several more and we wound 'making out' as they say here, and then i got invited to her 'south of the border' party (american teenagers go to mexico to get rid of their upstanding american morals for a while and go crazy, apparently it is really horrible, its like 'mexicans are bestial, we are better, but lets go to mexico and be bestial and throw money around') two days after.
so the day came and i went for a bike ride in the afternoon, one of those ones where you don't think too much where you are going and always end up somewhere exciting, and found myself at a lagoon with ducks and carp and reeds and then found some train tracks with the sun falling down the line in the distance so i walked down it in the sun balancing my bike on the rails (there are no trains on weekends) and got chatting with guys who were sitting on the rails with the american equivalent of special brew, red chief or something, and they were all well interesting, 2 iraq/afghan veterans with loads of stories to tell, one of them had joined the army to get out of prison early and he was like 'i joined cos i thought it couldn't be any worse than prison, but it was'; his friend got his shoes shined by an iraqi kid who then told his older brother who came and shot the soldier, alcohol is totally banned but there are opium dens on every corner, iraqi civilians won't speak to american soldiers for fear of death and one argument where an iraqi was like 'we want peace, you want war' and the american 'you want war, we want peace!' and we concluded that noone on the ground, 'allies' or iraqi, knows who or for what they are fighting for, that is all decided in the board room. so this guy got a heroin addiction and the army told him he wasn't any use anymore and just kicked him out, and here he was, intense but loving eyes, called Boston. its good to know that the conclusions i draw from the media are the same ones he draws from experience.
and then the younger of the three, Wyme, nose piercing, attractive half-mexican features , nice sheepskin coat and a million stories of hopping trains around the country, gave me a menthol and told me that crimethinc was for rich wankers and he refused to talk or ride with any of them, the punk and hardcore scenes around the place, the reformed ex speed addict in oakland who walks around taking 'citations' (like fines or whatever) from young punk kids and taking them to the police station and is like 'these are all my citations' and the cops just throw them all away, the roofs to sleep on in town and the mythical 'space bag'that he wouldn't explain to me. after a while of swapping stories the others went to get food and he took me to see a 'space bag'. i was all 'oh my god what am i doing hanging around in a big house getting high, talking shit and chasing girls when i could sack it all off right now and go train hopping all over the country! where have your principles gone ben?' and there is a main depot only an hour away, where kerouac is supposed to have hopped a train from in Dharma Bums, and wyme was going to florida in a week, it would take him 4 days if he got fast trains, a week if he got slow ones. faster than the greyhound!
so the spacebag turned out to be a 4 litre bottle of cheap, nasty rose wine. i was already pretty pissed and we found a couple of other people and went and sat and drank by the levee (!), leaning on a bank (the santa cruz credit union). and it is all "chugchugchugchug" and i manage not to be sick on the bus on the way home (we got off a few stops early) and then got home ready to eat and sleep but my flatmates are home with friends, and suddenly wyme is being a bit obnoxious, telling my flatmates they are arseholes and demanding alcohol and i am just too wasted to get a grip on what is happening, we cant' remember each others' names and my flatmates are not very happy at all, but i persuade them it is ok and i trust him etc etc and are we going to the party then? so with hard stares we all went, and what a non-event the party was, tall boys walking around with huge bottles of jack daniels offering to everyone except boys (wyme was all 'give him a shot, he's english' and we would share the shot), short girls squealing, the regular bass ofcommercial hiphop through unloved speakers, some hippies in the garden monging out, pringles, then wyme just about holding himself down, he eventually got in the hot tub, the girl who invited me blanked me the whole time, maybe she felt silly or was annoyed i brought wyme i dunno, but i was wankered and still taking my revolutionary high ground and couldn't take really anything seriously and jumbled around grinning at people and asking them stupid questions that i think i thought at the time were subversive.
the next day isa was hovering around so i asked her what was up and she was like 'i just want you to know that even thought everyone else in the house is pissed off with you for bringing that guy home but i understand' and that was all news to me, i wish people would tell me these things!!!isa said that sometimes if you take people from such radically different lifestyles they clash, but i explained that we had clicked and he was my friend and why on earth would they be annoyed? surely the biggest reason people don't get on is cos they don't understand where each other are coming from and the only way to solve that is to mingle? and if all these people who think they are so fucking liberal can't relate to a person that is the same age, comes from the same place, believes many of the same things and uses the same intoxicants but just lives life in a different way then what chance have we got? and wyme was the outsider and the one who had to make a good impression on my flatmats, and we all deal with that in different and sometimes stressed ways.
i spent the best part of the next day with wyme, he woke up and started drinking the beer from the night before, i didn't go with his 'stop the hangover with more beer' logic, even though i have heard it alot lately. he showed me myspace videos of him riding trains, amazing stuff, the most amazing vistas and the most scary looking lattice bottomed carriages, called 'suicide cars', then pictures of the train hopping crowd being drunk in various places, one on the day some hippies had paid for them to fight each other in beer, the experience of the photos heightened by the stale beer and sick smell emanating from wyme, i offered to wash his clothes or for him to shower and he was positively offended. but it was a bright sunny day and we walked back down into town and chatted, a teenager asked him if he could buy him alcohol so he recruited someone (wyme is only 19) and took the kid and his four new beers back to the train tracks by a big carriage containing timber and drank half of them trying to persuade the kid to drink with him till the punk gig that evening, the kid said his dad wouldn't be cool if he came home pissed, wyme told him it would matter because he would be too pissed by that time to care what his dad thought, i sat on top of the carriage face in the sun and smoked, realising that wyme just couldn't hack being alone and drinking alone, to the point where he was trying to be a 14 year old kid'sfriend even though he was being the cool guy. my excitement of the magical plaes and people to be found on trains was slowly dissipating (apparently you never ride with someone you have only just met incase they try and kill you, apparently there are some pityless people out there and who is going to find your body in the middle of nowhere when it is chucked off a train?), it felt like wyme was running from something, rather than searching for something. there is a train a day that runs through santa cruz though, and i will soon be shown the ropes.
and then the week rolled by and then was a double party for tito and emily, both my flatmates who had birthdays that week. tito's friend daz had come over from england, a great guy tito met in amsterdam from bournemouth, spoke like jason and looked a little like scouse pete, into the fibonacci sequence and lots of bongs, top guy, but oh no tito and rose were arguing and then last night they decided they were 'just roomates' and tito took daz with him out of santa cruz for an undetermined time. oh no! me and daz were going to go explore the woods. but anyway, last night went to another party full of nice people, wasn't really feeling it but it was ok, very curiously there was a HUGE tv screen showing a pirate video of real people in nasty fights, happy slapping, people having their head chopped off, but mostly big ugly brawls. and there were people just monging out watching it. i thought it was a bit strange, then forgot about it. a little later a load of sort of (hate to say it) chavs turned up, they are called 'bros' or 'locals' here, big meatheads with caps at defined angles, acting a bit dodgy and sort of welcoming each other and passing out beers asthough they knew everyone there, i left the room, then there are screams and there is a massive brawl going on in the room with the BRAWLING ON TV int he background and this poor guy at the party is getting HAMMERED and there is blood on the floor and for about 10 mintues there is pandemonium with these meatheads with their loud girlfriends ripping digital cameras out of peoples hands and kicking and kicking and kicking and then they seem to be going and someone says one little thing and suddely about 5 guys and girls are all laying into this one girl, looked just like the police on rodney king, horrific, then the police came and the bros disappeared and ambulances came adn urgh, it was horrible. worse, when the police came they immediately sealed off a house, knowing full well all the incriminating stuff inside, apparently this is the first time anyone has experiences this, i guess it just isn't expected or planned for over here. so strange though that there was fighting on tv, and everyone just accepted people getting battered on the screen as entertainment, its a perfect example of how anything can be tolerated if it is seen from far enough away. it was like deja vous or somthing when there was fighting in the room, it was almost natural.
so yeah, those two weekends have made me question alot of things, mainly 'what am i doing?'. i thought i would immerse myself in whatever niche i found myself in when i got here, but maybe i should search for something dffereng? i really don't know. this weekend i made a soup with all the veggies i had neglected during the week, i found some cactus for sale in the mexican supermercado and put that in, but the middle is sort of like a gel, and very bitter, i think maybe i should have taken it out before i cooked it, but it is paletable. aside from my lovely flatmates here, i don't feel like this house in the suburbs is where i should be, it is unbelievable the amount of energy that is used, so many lights inside and out, so many gadgets that forget to get turned off, a hot tub that constantly keeps loads of water at 100farenheit... saw a duck in our swimming pool today and ran inside to get some bread to feed it but it turned out to be plastic... the high speed toaster with special bagel button is cool though. been lookin for a solution, and my friend knows a platform in a tree in the woods behind campus that seems to be uninhabitd, so i am pretty sure i am going to move out there when it gets a little warmer, maybe beginning of april. there is a big community of tree people up there, it makes so much sense i can't believe i didn't think of it before, if i want to make the most of the california weather, why live in a garage? also with the money i will save i have ordered a flute, very excited. it has the same fingerings as a saxophone, so once i get the breathing down it should be cool.
my classes panning out pretty well this term, we are doing alot about native american folklore and spirituality in my native american music class, so interesting to see the many similarities between the beliefs of other peoples outside the western diaspora, for example ben feder had that poem on the DUA wall last year from the I Ching- first line 'those who talk do not think, those who think do not talk', native american chiefs are meant to speak very sparsely for the same reason, and loads of buddhists i have read about take vows of silence. i had to switch to piano in my jazz theory class which was a bit nerve wracking, but actually lots of it is easier on the piano because of what i was talking about above, and i seem to be enjoying the lessons more even. we had to write a conceptual/chord skeleten piece for last week, i wrote a really nice chord progression and then a section where all the students and the lecturers (we all play the whole lesson) had to stand in a circle and play (with rough tonal guidelines) the vibrations they felt from the person to their left, whilst reacting to the playhing of the person to their right and everyone else, it sort of worked, in the second part everyone seemed to sort of breathe together so going to develop that aspect of it for tuesday. gamelan is great and very relaxing, i have started sudanese now aswell as balinese, only trouble is, and i hesitate to generalise, but some people just don't know the meaning of the word subtle, there are some instruments that are shared and so if someone is mindlessly hammering his part out about1 foot away from you it can be infuriating. but then sometimes my feet smell, so i guess it is give and take.
spectacleular american food
- deep fried pitta bread
- "half and half"- half milk, half cream
- peanut butter and jam in ONE CONTAINER
- slurpees- the real squishee
- soft drinks with little spheres of marshmallows inside
facebook- as much as i feel it is yet another way for people to sit on their arses and communicate without actually communicating, it has been so nice to chit chat with people i haven't spoke to for years and see pictures of them drunk and lairy with their new friends. the point of this blog, apart from a little self indulgence, is to get around the fact i am away from everyone i love for so long and at a fairly crucial time in our lives and if america will indeed corrupt me/enlighten me before i get back, i don't want it to be too much of a shock hahaha. but hopefully someone will tell me if that seems to be happening. so anyway on balance i got a facebook and listed my favorite music but not my hobbies.
isa leant me this book, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass, pulled me right out of a rut, i would definitely recommend it, even if you don't agree with it, would be very interested to hear what you think.
so yeah, it has been quite an up and down time, i don't feel like i am fulfilling the promise to myself of making the most of every day whilst i am here, i feel like i am sort of floating along, but things seem to be brewing again and hopefully exciting times ahead. judith asked me to /Please ring 0845 300 4433 to vote for amnesty for immigrants in UK. UK government is considering granting permanent visa or indefinite leave to remain for immigrants that are already in the UK legally or illegally. This will be tabled in parliament on tues. The more votes the chances. /
so there is more i have to say but this is getting long again, so ill leave it here. see you soon, or on facebook
love ben
Thursday, January 11, 2007
road rash
Happy new year. normally i am quite indifferent to the passing of a calender year, but for some reason as new years eve approached i felt that 2007 was going to be a really high times year. dont' know why. infact everything was going pretty swimmingly until thursday night, as i rode home from looking for max on campus about 11pm. i always meant to write about the really amazing ride from campus to home, about 2 miles of gently sloping road, so you can freewheel the whole way if you build up speed in the right places and corner well. i got a new racing tire on the front of my bike (the back has a fat mountain bike tyre so i don't know if the overall effect cancels itself out) and was going pretty fast, making the deadly mistake of trying to ring max one last time incase he had appeared in an area with signal, but no he didn't answer and then i looked up at the moon and wondered whether it was full or not and then i looked down and at that moment smacked into the high curb and went flying over my handlebars and landed hard on my face. and what do you know, my mouth is wet and i have lost at least one tooth. wank. so some guy pulls up and asks me if i want a ride to the hospital, which i hadn't considered (i do fall off my bike now and then, and usually it is ok, and i was a bit dazed) but said ok, and then we stopped to ask directions from a policewoman, who entirely overreacted to my mashed up face and insisted on calling paramedics, and within 10 minutes there were 2 police cars, a fire truck (for some reason paramedics are linked to fire engines aswell as ambulances) and an ambulance around me, and wasn't i quite the celebrity.
so in the ambulance they rang ahead to the hospital to see if their trauma unit was open, because if it wasn't i was going to have to be airlifted to san jose instead. fortunately it was open, cos the paramedic was like 'yeah i have just saved you $15000 right off the bat', then hospital and a young doctor who looked out to prove that it is actually possible to be cooler than the scrubs cast, strutting around the place with too much gel in his hair, and 6 people stood over me as he rammed two teeth back into my mouth and checked i didn't have any back, head or neck injuries. that bit hurt, but not as much as the realisation that i wasn't going to be able to play clarinet at the gig i was meant to have the next day, friday, that i had been practicing for in literally all the free hours i had that day and the day before. FUCK. i tentatively asked the doctor how long i woudln't able to play for, he gave an entirely unhelpful wry smile and said at least a month.
then they xrayed one of my fingers, cleaned me up, gave me some vicodin (like off that stone roses song Feel Good Hit of the Summer) and sent me on my way. fortunately, rose emily and isa, my three flatmates were all waiting for me and drove me home, i was so glad i hadn't elected to stay by myself in the old house (as i will explain), being ill and lonely is the worst. i wasn't really convinced with the work they had done at the hospital, cos i was still bleeding and one of my teeth was about 2 mm lower than all the others so i couldn't close my mouth. and they were all a bit wobbly.
then yesterday i got an emergency appointment with a REALLY NICE dentist (i know, i didn't think it was possible either) , who genuinely felt sorry for me and who i seemed to win over with a PMA. first though i had to fill in a load of forms (how many times a day do YOU floss?), and i had no idea about whether iw as covered on insurance. the dentist looked at me in disbelief when i told him that the doctor had just shoved the teeth back in, cos he sad one of the teeth was dirty and another had a crack right up it so obviously wasn't going to be able to regrow. so in the end he had to take 3 teeth out (there was even an infection starting behind one of the teeth already), my two main top front teeth and one of my canines next to it. whilst the hot mexican nurse was cleaning me up he came back in and was like 'you don't have insurance do you?' and i was like 'er...i dunno' and he was like 'well you don't. mmm...a learned musician with no insurance, don't see many of them, maybe i can cut you a deal' and then he has properly sorted me out, charging me for about 1/3 of what he should have, so basically $800 instead of over $2500, what a nice man, i woudl have been fucked otherwise. he even rang me later that day to see how i was. he had eric clapton posters on his wall and said i was the worst case he had seen in his 6 year career except for an old woman who fell down the stairs into her washing machine.
then, high on vicodin and still bleeding, i went into battle with the UCSC insurance monolith. stealthily, and with steel in my eyes i demanded the cheaper generic versions of the brand name anti-biotics and more vicodin i had prescription for (i got it), then, with all the charm of prince william on horseback in the colonies, justified to the gloomy insurance people that my teeth were an emergency procedure and that i definatily was not drunk or high when i crashed my bike (i wasn't). how can you argue with someone with a lip as fat as their highlighter? but still the whole thing is bollocks, imagine if i had had to be airlifted to san jose, or if i had had to have surgery or something (max's grandma's heat bypass cost $700,000, about £375000 just for the actual time in the operating theatre) and just couldn't pay, imagine having to risk your own life conciously because you could n't pay for healthcare in the immediacy!!!!!!!!!!! or worse, if you were an illegal immigrant and you couldn't even go to see a doctor because you knew you would be deported! at any point i could have been like 'no i don't want an ambulance ill get a taxi' or 'no i dont' want an xray ill just risk it' or even 'no i won't go to hospital ill just wait to see a doctor in the morning'. and this is a microcosm of a huge question that must be faced by people all the time here. say you had a relative in a on life support and your heath insurance maxed out (which it can, even if you have the best plans)- do you let them die? and if you were that patient, you had to choose between your life of your families' financial stability? how do the people of the 'richest', 'most advanced', 'most comfortable' and 'god blessed' country tolerate this? apparently, unless you are in a really really bad way you can actually just be put out on the street.
but this is all part of the american dream that i am here to find. the logic goes that if you WORK HARD and LOOK AFTER YOUR FAMILY you can AFFORD heathcare and it is NOT AN ISSUE. and adam smith and the Trickle Down theory explain the rest. but come on america, open your eyes, the only thing tricking down is the scared piss down the leg of a million salesmen not meeting their monthly quotas. this is at the same time, by the way, as freedom fried france declare that housing is a human right for everyone and promise to build hundreds of thousands of homes to accomdate the country's homeless.
but i digress. the situation now is that i have lost the endearing wonky front teeth i had, dried blood up my nose that i can' get out, look pretty silly at the moment (noone told me to ice my lip, so it is still really big on one side) and cant play any bastarding clarinet or saxophone for minimum a month, maybe much longer. i am actually pretty gutted abotu this, it is going to really disable my jazz theory class which i was so excited about and also (even yesterday) when jamming i can just hear these clarinet lines over whatever music is going on and i just can't realise them arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but i guess i will get a bit better on the piano in the meantime. for a while i thought i wasn't going to be able to smoke (and for at least a few seconds considered this a good thing) but now i have adapted a hollowed out biro into a sort of catheter so the smoke bypasses my stumpy gums, then i blow out through my nose. foolproof.
before this fiasco though my holiday season had been lovely. mum came over on the 16th for 2 weeks, she was pretty tired and jet lagged when she got here but the santa cruz sun soon sorted that out, and before christmas we went down the Big Sur, a stretchof national park with the infamous Highway 1 winding down it, exceedingly beautiful, then through LA, hollywood, beverly hills, nightmarish LA highways with 8 lanes and MENTAL drivers and me navigating, down to a fruity international hostel in san diego, next to the mexican border (my mum travelled loads when she was younger, and had been in plenty of these places, and i had too in various situations, but we had never been there together, so it was quite interesting) nightmarish LA highways with 8 lanes and MENTAL drivers and me navigating, then back up to malibu where we stayed at a hotel with its own beach, la wrapped around the coast glowing orange in the distance and almost as many plane lights flashing as stars int he sky. i sat for a long time late at night on that beach. that night actually the housing fiasco that was brewing last time i wrote to you came to a head- turned out rose and emily's mum had been swapping bitchy emails with our landlord and wanted to move out without notice, and in the end i got an email (after i had written him a nice one saying i probably wanted to stay please) saying that he wanted everyone to move out unless someone was prepared to take on full lead tenant responsibilities, which i wasn't, so i decided to take up the girls' offer of the garage of the house they were moving into, and that is where i am sat now. this new house, which i moved into on new years eve morning, is closer to campus than the old one, is quite new, 50 years old, and is a big change from anything i have lived in before; it has a swimmign pool, hot tub, massive manicured garden and a sort of balcony terrace that looks over the garden and gets sun right till sunset. then a minibar, a fireplace, 2 living rooms etc etc. i feel a bit intimidated actually, like i am living in scalby. im not allowed to drink wine over the white carpets and the house is so open plan that i can't, for example, listen to the radio whilst the TV is being watched. but as soon as spring comes and i can make full use of the garden and swimming pool i think it will be worth it. my garage was already divided into one big bit and two small bits so i have put my bed in one and will put max's synth in the other and hopefully it will end up quite homely, if chilly. just need to get some carpet...
christmas itself would have been a complete non-event if it wasn't for chirstmas day at rich and ernie's. they delivered their usual jamboree of festive spirit and taste-bud defying food, notably hot sun dried tomatos with stilton, melt in your mouth ravioli and the fattest joint of beef i have ever seen. the company was great too, old bob gave me a couple of dixieland cds and their context and there was a chinese girl from austin, texas, who told me all about growing up in the heart of the KKK (not nice). oooh and on a side note i have found an amazing mbira player in berkeley, a couple of house away who was a white american teenage girl in turbulant colonial zimbabwe in the 70s (then rhodesia) who ran into some of the zimbabwean legendary mbira players and who has written really helpful and interesting articles on the problems and solutions of teaching mbira to westerners, a music completely wedded to its cultural heritage to the point where even the concepts of music, its function, time and relationship between performer and audience are fundamentally different. check out to read her theories. so anyway she put me in touch with another mbira player who lives not very far away at all that i am going to go play with as soon as my lip gets a bit smaller and i don't have a lissssp when i tsing.
before my mum left she got chatted up by this guy who invited me and her to an open mic, so we went and drank hot chocolate and it was mainly poetry, this guy who smelled in a beret who delivered improvised poetry like allen ginsberg, an silly middle aged new aged woman in sweattrousers and a purple bandana to cover her graying hair, who read ok poetry and then sang a crappy long song, and when her 7minutes were up and she was signaled to get off the stage she finished and then stuck her middle finger up at the MC and shouted at him,a nd then there was a slagging match 'dont' give me any shit today terry, i can't deal with it' like they had been at it before, and then i played mbira and clarinet and it was ok, but i was aware of the time limit and so didn't properly lose myself in it. but it was cool actually, i said after the mbira, as i unpacked my clarinet, that it was nice to get into the spirit of things and so this was going to be an improvisation of the spirit in the room, and then i played a bit and it was far too mellow and bouncy for the room, so i got atonal and then stopped and was like 'this represents the bit where eveyrone got aggro' and the played a howlingly grating note and then carried on, but then ended without flourish, but everyone semed to like it. embaressing stuff viz mike- he was trying to tread a fine line between being friendly with me and hitting on my mum, but i knew that he wasn't going to get anywhere, so played along, and then there was the extra dimension of 'if mike is hitting on this woman, and she has a son, where is the father'? which i think is what some people were thinking, it was a small well lit room, the kind that sometimes noias me ouit totally, but mike looked a bit noiad so i felt ok (funny that, isn't it? like when really drunk peoplego on abot how drunk the most drunk person is as a kind of salvation for themselves).
so my mum left on new years eve and max picked me up from the airport in san fran where i said bye. we went to his home village of kenwood, sonoma county, famous for its wine, rugged coastline, good food, and hippie attitude. we went to a funk show, les claypool (from primus), a bit like synergy in london with trippy visuals, kids running around, stupid drink prices and lots of silly hats. not everyone was on class As though and you could smuggle beer in quite easily, and when the bouncer tapped me on the shoulder and told me i couldn't smoke weed inside he didn't kick me out and was very cordial. but mainly it was about the FUNK all the time- first the new orleans social club who were old school and great, then les claypool witha sax going through effects, a sitar player with a headress and a theramin called wendy lala and two really spectacular percussionists. all this for free cos shelley, max's friend, knew one of the organisers. i realised i had only been to one show since i got here, and was well up for a little dance, especially after being with my mum for 2 weeks straight. so we smoked and drank and danced and i totally almost pulled and then, surprise surprise, got too noiad to make any sort of dignified move. but i did borrow shelley's access all areas pass and went backstage, blagging around and eating and drinking for free. then i went to the bar i thoguht was for the people with the passes like me, but it wasnt so she tried to iD and charge me, but i just showed her my pass and was like 'errr...i am with the first band, the new orleans 'social club' and she was like 'ok there you go!.
then the next afternoon we with max's parents to this almost literal castle owned by a guy who has just published a leadership self help bookm for new age businessmen, capitalism is allowed ofcourse, we ate amazing food, made small talk with plastic surgeons, ate more food, then went back to max's for a jam. and what a jam it was- max's little brother, only 15, is a really special guitarist, already gigging solo at his age, and a bass player and another guitar player came around and we based our first jam on that sigur ros riff- doo dooo doo do do do do do do do do do do doooooooo dooooo , which went really nicely with piano, synth and the usuals, and then on and on and on for about 5 or 6 hours, then sat in max's lavender field and he gave me my christmas present, a genuine native american flute, and we played together and i was exceedingly happy.
gosh this email is getting long, perhaps i shoudl finish it here. tito, one of the new flatmates and rose's boyfriend has brewed me up a shitload of stalks cos i can't in theory smoke, and the smell is wafting even into the garage. my new address is
209 Fridley Drive
Santa Cruz
CA 95060
Santa Cruz
if this is all really boring let me know
love ben
Happy new year. normally i am quite indifferent to the passing of a calender year, but for some reason as new years eve approached i felt that 2007 was going to be a really high times year. dont' know why. infact everything was going pretty swimmingly until thursday night, as i rode home from looking for max on campus about 11pm. i always meant to write about the really amazing ride from campus to home, about 2 miles of gently sloping road, so you can freewheel the whole way if you build up speed in the right places and corner well. i got a new racing tire on the front of my bike (the back has a fat mountain bike tyre so i don't know if the overall effect cancels itself out) and was going pretty fast, making the deadly mistake of trying to ring max one last time incase he had appeared in an area with signal, but no he didn't answer and then i looked up at the moon and wondered whether it was full or not and then i looked down and at that moment smacked into the high curb and went flying over my handlebars and landed hard on my face. and what do you know, my mouth is wet and i have lost at least one tooth. wank. so some guy pulls up and asks me if i want a ride to the hospital, which i hadn't considered (i do fall off my bike now and then, and usually it is ok, and i was a bit dazed) but said ok, and then we stopped to ask directions from a policewoman, who entirely overreacted to my mashed up face and insisted on calling paramedics, and within 10 minutes there were 2 police cars, a fire truck (for some reason paramedics are linked to fire engines aswell as ambulances) and an ambulance around me, and wasn't i quite the celebrity.
so in the ambulance they rang ahead to the hospital to see if their trauma unit was open, because if it wasn't i was going to have to be airlifted to san jose instead. fortunately it was open, cos the paramedic was like 'yeah i have just saved you $15000 right off the bat', then hospital and a young doctor who looked out to prove that it is actually possible to be cooler than the scrubs cast, strutting around the place with too much gel in his hair, and 6 people stood over me as he rammed two teeth back into my mouth and checked i didn't have any back, head or neck injuries. that bit hurt, but not as much as the realisation that i wasn't going to be able to play clarinet at the gig i was meant to have the next day, friday, that i had been practicing for in literally all the free hours i had that day and the day before. FUCK. i tentatively asked the doctor how long i woudln't able to play for, he gave an entirely unhelpful wry smile and said at least a month.
then they xrayed one of my fingers, cleaned me up, gave me some vicodin (like off that stone roses song Feel Good Hit of the Summer) and sent me on my way. fortunately, rose emily and isa, my three flatmates were all waiting for me and drove me home, i was so glad i hadn't elected to stay by myself in the old house (as i will explain), being ill and lonely is the worst. i wasn't really convinced with the work they had done at the hospital, cos i was still bleeding and one of my teeth was about 2 mm lower than all the others so i couldn't close my mouth. and they were all a bit wobbly.
then yesterday i got an emergency appointment with a REALLY NICE dentist (i know, i didn't think it was possible either) , who genuinely felt sorry for me and who i seemed to win over with a PMA. first though i had to fill in a load of forms (how many times a day do YOU floss?), and i had no idea about whether iw as covered on insurance. the dentist looked at me in disbelief when i told him that the doctor had just shoved the teeth back in, cos he sad one of the teeth was dirty and another had a crack right up it so obviously wasn't going to be able to regrow. so in the end he had to take 3 teeth out (there was even an infection starting behind one of the teeth already), my two main top front teeth and one of my canines next to it. whilst the hot mexican nurse was cleaning me up he came back in and was like 'you don't have insurance do you?' and i was like 'er...i dunno' and he was like 'well you don't. mmm...a learned musician with no insurance, don't see many of them, maybe i can cut you a deal' and then he has properly sorted me out, charging me for about 1/3 of what he should have, so basically $800 instead of over $2500, what a nice man, i woudl have been fucked otherwise. he even rang me later that day to see how i was. he had eric clapton posters on his wall and said i was the worst case he had seen in his 6 year career except for an old woman who fell down the stairs into her washing machine.
then, high on vicodin and still bleeding, i went into battle with the UCSC insurance monolith. stealthily, and with steel in my eyes i demanded the cheaper generic versions of the brand name anti-biotics and more vicodin i had prescription for (i got it), then, with all the charm of prince william on horseback in the colonies, justified to the gloomy insurance people that my teeth were an emergency procedure and that i definatily was not drunk or high when i crashed my bike (i wasn't). how can you argue with someone with a lip as fat as their highlighter? but still the whole thing is bollocks, imagine if i had had to be airlifted to san jose, or if i had had to have surgery or something (max's grandma's heat bypass cost $700,000, about £375000 just for the actual time in the operating theatre) and just couldn't pay, imagine having to risk your own life conciously because you could n't pay for healthcare in the immediacy!!!!!!!!!!! or worse, if you were an illegal immigrant and you couldn't even go to see a doctor because you knew you would be deported! at any point i could have been like 'no i don't want an ambulance ill get a taxi' or 'no i dont' want an xray ill just risk it' or even 'no i won't go to hospital ill just wait to see a doctor in the morning'. and this is a microcosm of a huge question that must be faced by people all the time here. say you had a relative in a on life support and your heath insurance maxed out (which it can, even if you have the best plans)- do you let them die? and if you were that patient, you had to choose between your life of your families' financial stability? how do the people of the 'richest', 'most advanced', 'most comfortable' and 'god blessed' country tolerate this? apparently, unless you are in a really really bad way you can actually just be put out on the street.
but this is all part of the american dream that i am here to find. the logic goes that if you WORK HARD and LOOK AFTER YOUR FAMILY you can AFFORD heathcare and it is NOT AN ISSUE. and adam smith and the Trickle Down theory explain the rest. but come on america, open your eyes, the only thing tricking down is the scared piss down the leg of a million salesmen not meeting their monthly quotas. this is at the same time, by the way, as freedom fried france declare that housing is a human right for everyone and promise to build hundreds of thousands of homes to accomdate the country's homeless.
but i digress. the situation now is that i have lost the endearing wonky front teeth i had, dried blood up my nose that i can' get out, look pretty silly at the moment (noone told me to ice my lip, so it is still really big on one side) and cant play any bastarding clarinet or saxophone for minimum a month, maybe much longer. i am actually pretty gutted abotu this, it is going to really disable my jazz theory class which i was so excited about and also (even yesterday) when jamming i can just hear these clarinet lines over whatever music is going on and i just can't realise them arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but i guess i will get a bit better on the piano in the meantime. for a while i thought i wasn't going to be able to smoke (and for at least a few seconds considered this a good thing) but now i have adapted a hollowed out biro into a sort of catheter so the smoke bypasses my stumpy gums, then i blow out through my nose. foolproof.
before this fiasco though my holiday season had been lovely. mum came over on the 16th for 2 weeks, she was pretty tired and jet lagged when she got here but the santa cruz sun soon sorted that out, and before christmas we went down the Big Sur, a stretchof national park with the infamous Highway 1 winding down it, exceedingly beautiful, then through LA, hollywood, beverly hills, nightmarish LA highways with 8 lanes and MENTAL drivers and me navigating, down to a fruity international hostel in san diego, next to the mexican border (my mum travelled loads when she was younger, and had been in plenty of these places, and i had too in various situations, but we had never been there together, so it was quite interesting) nightmarish LA highways with 8 lanes and MENTAL drivers and me navigating, then back up to malibu where we stayed at a hotel with its own beach, la wrapped around the coast glowing orange in the distance and almost as many plane lights flashing as stars int he sky. i sat for a long time late at night on that beach. that night actually the housing fiasco that was brewing last time i wrote to you came to a head- turned out rose and emily's mum had been swapping bitchy emails with our landlord and wanted to move out without notice, and in the end i got an email (after i had written him a nice one saying i probably wanted to stay please) saying that he wanted everyone to move out unless someone was prepared to take on full lead tenant responsibilities, which i wasn't, so i decided to take up the girls' offer of the garage of the house they were moving into, and that is where i am sat now. this new house, which i moved into on new years eve morning, is closer to campus than the old one, is quite new, 50 years old, and is a big change from anything i have lived in before; it has a swimmign pool, hot tub, massive manicured garden and a sort of balcony terrace that looks over the garden and gets sun right till sunset. then a minibar, a fireplace, 2 living rooms etc etc. i feel a bit intimidated actually, like i am living in scalby. im not allowed to drink wine over the white carpets and the house is so open plan that i can't, for example, listen to the radio whilst the TV is being watched. but as soon as spring comes and i can make full use of the garden and swimming pool i think it will be worth it. my garage was already divided into one big bit and two small bits so i have put my bed in one and will put max's synth in the other and hopefully it will end up quite homely, if chilly. just need to get some carpet...
christmas itself would have been a complete non-event if it wasn't for chirstmas day at rich and ernie's. they delivered their usual jamboree of festive spirit and taste-bud defying food, notably hot sun dried tomatos with stilton, melt in your mouth ravioli and the fattest joint of beef i have ever seen. the company was great too, old bob gave me a couple of dixieland cds and their context and there was a chinese girl from austin, texas, who told me all about growing up in the heart of the KKK (not nice). oooh and on a side note i have found an amazing mbira player in berkeley, a couple of house away who was a white american teenage girl in turbulant colonial zimbabwe in the 70s (then rhodesia) who ran into some of the zimbabwean legendary mbira players and who has written really helpful and interesting articles on the problems and solutions of teaching mbira to westerners, a music completely wedded to its cultural heritage to the point where even the concepts of music, its function, time and relationship between performer and audience are fundamentally different. check out to read her theories. so anyway she put me in touch with another mbira player who lives not very far away at all that i am going to go play with as soon as my lip gets a bit smaller and i don't have a lissssp when i tsing.
before my mum left she got chatted up by this guy who invited me and her to an open mic, so we went and drank hot chocolate and it was mainly poetry, this guy who smelled in a beret who delivered improvised poetry like allen ginsberg, an silly middle aged new aged woman in sweattrousers and a purple bandana to cover her graying hair, who read ok poetry and then sang a crappy long song, and when her 7minutes were up and she was signaled to get off the stage she finished and then stuck her middle finger up at the MC and shouted at him,a nd then there was a slagging match 'dont' give me any shit today terry, i can't deal with it' like they had been at it before, and then i played mbira and clarinet and it was ok, but i was aware of the time limit and so didn't properly lose myself in it. but it was cool actually, i said after the mbira, as i unpacked my clarinet, that it was nice to get into the spirit of things and so this was going to be an improvisation of the spirit in the room, and then i played a bit and it was far too mellow and bouncy for the room, so i got atonal and then stopped and was like 'this represents the bit where eveyrone got aggro' and the played a howlingly grating note and then carried on, but then ended without flourish, but everyone semed to like it. embaressing stuff viz mike- he was trying to tread a fine line between being friendly with me and hitting on my mum, but i knew that he wasn't going to get anywhere, so played along, and then there was the extra dimension of 'if mike is hitting on this woman, and she has a son, where is the father'? which i think is what some people were thinking, it was a small well lit room, the kind that sometimes noias me ouit totally, but mike looked a bit noiad so i felt ok (funny that, isn't it? like when really drunk peoplego on abot how drunk the most drunk person is as a kind of salvation for themselves).
so my mum left on new years eve and max picked me up from the airport in san fran where i said bye. we went to his home village of kenwood, sonoma county, famous for its wine, rugged coastline, good food, and hippie attitude. we went to a funk show, les claypool (from primus), a bit like synergy in london with trippy visuals, kids running around, stupid drink prices and lots of silly hats. not everyone was on class As though and you could smuggle beer in quite easily, and when the bouncer tapped me on the shoulder and told me i couldn't smoke weed inside he didn't kick me out and was very cordial. but mainly it was about the FUNK all the time- first the new orleans social club who were old school and great, then les claypool witha sax going through effects, a sitar player with a headress and a theramin called wendy lala and two really spectacular percussionists. all this for free cos shelley, max's friend, knew one of the organisers. i realised i had only been to one show since i got here, and was well up for a little dance, especially after being with my mum for 2 weeks straight. so we smoked and drank and danced and i totally almost pulled and then, surprise surprise, got too noiad to make any sort of dignified move. but i did borrow shelley's access all areas pass and went backstage, blagging around and eating and drinking for free. then i went to the bar i thoguht was for the people with the passes like me, but it wasnt so she tried to iD and charge me, but i just showed her my pass and was like 'errr...i am with the first band, the new orleans 'social club' and she was like 'ok there you go!.
then the next afternoon we with max's parents to this almost literal castle owned by a guy who has just published a leadership self help bookm for new age businessmen, capitalism is allowed ofcourse, we ate amazing food, made small talk with plastic surgeons, ate more food, then went back to max's for a jam. and what a jam it was- max's little brother, only 15, is a really special guitarist, already gigging solo at his age, and a bass player and another guitar player came around and we based our first jam on that sigur ros riff- doo dooo doo do do do do do do do do do do doooooooo dooooo , which went really nicely with piano, synth and the usuals, and then on and on and on for about 5 or 6 hours, then sat in max's lavender field and he gave me my christmas present, a genuine native american flute, and we played together and i was exceedingly happy.
gosh this email is getting long, perhaps i shoudl finish it here. tito, one of the new flatmates and rose's boyfriend has brewed me up a shitload of stalks cos i can't in theory smoke, and the smell is wafting even into the garage. my new address is
209 Fridley Drive
Santa Cruz
CA 95060
Santa Cruz
if this is all really boring let me know
love ben
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